Some of you (and your inboxes) might have noticed that I have not been around very much; specifically I have not been online for nearly two months, except for hopping onto the boyfriend's computer long enough to leave some very brief, rather angry additions to my last journal entry, wherein our heroine was having a meltdown over a mixture of things-not-dealt-with-in-the-past-coming-to-spoil-the-present and a good case of being butthurt over not being able to get online and get my fix.
Between that and a handful of other things, having a rather active offline presence, PLUS the hours at work and the random other responsibilities I have- well, let's say that after a month of not being able to get online and therefore
having to focus on certain aspects of my life that I had purposefully and with full Aries-intent put on ignore it was perhaps best that I could not get on because I wouldn't have been able to focus very well, if at all.
I am going through some changes (perhaps one of the biggest understatements I have made this year) and until things settle down into some sane, perdictable-esque, maybe-I-can-actually-make-plans rhythm that allows me to be able to make somewhat accurate guesses from day to day what the hell will be going on I will be less then prompt with answering anything, be it on Gaia or emails or texts or whatever else I have not been able to focus on for so long.
Tonight I am going to try my best to send a short PM to everyone that I can to tell them the till-der of this entry but I hope that everyone will read this and will not feel bad or angry that I have not and will not be answering PMs/replies/anything else for a to-be-determined length of time. I would get into the why's and why not's of my extended absence but I do not want to bore anyone and even if I could put it into words I am not sure I want to right now.
More as I can manage it. Take care, fellow Gaians, and know I am missing you guys and thinking of you even if I can not be online as much as I would like. When I can and as soon as I can I will be back in a more attentive state and will work on getting RP replies out and getting back into some sense of "normal".
Or as closest as it is possible for this one to get.