Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......................where should i start?Well, i was born to happy family, until i came, then it began to be the biggest tragety ever. I was beaten to obeidience. my mother was the only one who cared. i have a couple of scars, but what can u do? Anywayz, as i grew, i began to be bullied, until i was pushed to the limit, and i beat them up. Now im feared, and no one dares to come near, until she came. My equal, Xosakuraharunoxox. She became my best friend, and my beloved oniee sama. We seperated for 6th grade, but i still talk to her over the phone. In 6th grade, i met "mommy," GaaraLover33. She cares for me as my mother did, before the divorce, now my father doesnt even let me see her and starts to make fun of her in my face. I HATE HIM, I LOATHE HIM, I DESPISE HIM. to me words mean nothing, u must show it, or i will walk away. Spartin516, now him i trust. My boyfriend. he loves me and would do anything for my happiness....i still cant believe God chose me to find love. I write poetry, stories, and songs to express my feelings, but they werent enough, so i went to cutting. My arms were filled with scars until i met spartin512, but now they have healed, along with my heart. I love him, and i dont care about what people want to say about us. I wish for forgiveness in this world, and i cant have it here, then i'll search for it in the afterlife, or stay on earth to be with him always, along with oniee sama and GaaraLover33.