Ah hello my name is Laurence. I have been breathing for 26 years. My blood type is a dark crimson nearly black O positive. Why yes, my hair is a natural grayish white near to silver hair. My eyes are an alluring light green. My main toy used daily is my long, curved, dagger. I enjoy many things. A list of such things are: The taste of blood-that of my own and of my sparring "partners"-, sparring, experimental experiences- meaning I yearn for something otherworldly to occur-, daggers-got to love them-, ravens are ever so fascinating, and I simply adore getting the most simple of fairy tales and finding an adult form of its meaning, especially if they involve with time. However, I also have things I loathe, such as: pointless, dull spars, anything that is predictable, the lack of blood and excitement in a spar, and the obnoxious sound of that damn clock ticking away. I am told I can be consider rather masochistic and sadistic. I am not masochistic, but I am a sadist. I am very tranquil and well-mannered, treating my opponents as an equal, all but when I consider them pathetic. My alluring green eyes show I am the predator that meets your eyes if you're strong. My life story is who I am today. Allow me to enlighten you. *CURRENTLY INCOMPLETE* In case you can't see me clearly: [ T ] [ A ]
Here are murals made by my adoring fans:
Here are murals made by my adoring fans: