Yeah, I just had this in my head for a while and it's kinda funny. I've been watching WAY too many Dragonball Z Abridged. If you're wondering what this (o/) is, it's suppose to be a music note.o/I've got a lovely bunch of Dragonballs o/
o/dododododo & here they all are, sitting in a bunch o/
o/do do do 1 star, 2 star, all as big as my head o/
o/give them a toss, the planet across, that's how Vegeta wins o/
Buh-Bye rofl
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Infinity's Love Journal :heart:
My name is Danielle, and I'm addicted to FullMetal Alcheimist. My gaia name is Infinity Elric. Now, I have a reason for my name. Infinity is my character's name. As for my "addiction" of FMA, its a long story.