Dear Mom
When ever you need me,
I’ll be there.
When ever you cry,
I’ll be there to make you smile.
When ever you’re afraid,
I’ll be there to help you.
No matter what happens,
No matter where I am,
If you need me mom,
I’ll be there.
The sea whispers stories,
Of the souls lost to it.
Of ones in the past,
In the present,
And the future.
The stories of wives,
Whose husbands disappeared.
Of children,
Whose fathers will never come home,
Or parents,
Whose child’s soul,
Still wonder upon it.
The sea whispers stories,
Of souls lost to it.
She seats and listens,
To the ocean waves,
As they wash upon the shore,
To the tide pulling,
In and out.
She gazes,
At the stars,
Shinning overhead,
And dreams to be,
In a place,
With family and friends,
Gathered together,
Celebrating a happy moment,
In time with no worry,
Out on an island somewhere.
She smiles to herself,
And runs back to the party,
Knowing that,
She is already there.
They say,
When two people fall in love,
In that brief moment,
Their eyes meet,
Magic happens.
And in what feels,
Like a brief moment,
To them,
But a eternity to others,
Their loved ones will gather,
To share in the joy,
As those two people,
Tell the world,
Of their love,
With two simple rings.
And live together,
Happily in each others arms.
Crying is like rain,
In a desert,
To a barren heart.
It comes rarely,
And when it does,
It takes forever to leave.
All the sad moments,
That the barren heart,
Didn’t cry,
Comes out.
All those moments,
The barren heart,
Almost broke in half,
It now weeps for.
Crying is like rain,
In a desert,
To a barren heart.
Left Behind
The wind blows,
Her hair across her face.
The wave’s crash,
Against the rocks,
Showering her with water.
She neither felt,
Nor heard the waves,
Even though she,
Was there,
Her heart and mind,
Was somewhere else.
They were with him,
Far out to sea,
With him,
In his arms,
With him,
Is where she wanted to be.
But she could not,
Be with him,
He had crossed,
A sea she could,
Never cross,
A tear fell down her cheek.
Pointless talk,
Useless info,
Just want to be,
Home with him.
Have his arms,
Wrapped around me.
Feeling his hand in mine.
His breath on the back,
Of my neck.
Pointless talk,
Useless info,
Just want to be,
Home with him.
Sad World
What a sad world it is.
People pretend to be happy,
Try to bottle up the pain,
Or ignore the sadness around.
They try to avoid,
Things that make,
Them sad.
But the realty is,
That pain is around us.
We need to see that,
We need to take that sorrow,
And accept it.
For we are all in pain,
We just don’t show it.
What a sad world it is.
The fire blazes,
Below of different colors,
Of reds,
And oranges.
Swaying at,
The slightest breeze.
The fire stretches for miles,
Consuming the land.
Children cry with joy,
As they jump into,
Its smaller flames,
Scattering it across the land.
Couples hold hands,
Walking beneath the fires canopy,
Reminded of their love,
That’s burning just as bright.
The cold air whistles through the flame,
Chilling people to the bone,
But still they walk happy,
For the cool feel.
Fall is many things,
Happiness and love.
It is also the start of change,
Of the land taking a new shape,
A beautiful time in life.
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Stories from my notebook to you
This journal will have stories im writing and sometimes i will jump for one story to another. I hope to be a writter one day and have my work published for all to read. The stories will be mostly fantisy and some of the characters are based off peopl
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