I started Young Avengers. The art is stunning, beautiful and glossy with a excellent modeling and use of light. The design of the suits is lovely. My only art complaint is, I'm having a little trouble telling the women apart, which is often a problem in super hero comics. I'm also having to really work at connecting, likely because I know next to nothing about anybody in this comic except Iron Man and Hulk, and there I'm working with what I picked up from that TV show and the movies. The book is clearly doing a lot of complex stuff with past history and associations that I'm having to pick up as I can. (I keep stopping to try to remember who is dating who and which back story matches). This is one of the things that's daunting about picking up super hero comics. There's back story going back longer than I've been alive and I'm walking in in the middle. I'm hoping it'll get easier further in. It's certainly readable and very pretty. I like that they are facing head on the child endangerment issue. I'll check in again when I'm further along.