Jeez! Another two, Harley!?
Harley had done rather well for herself, time away from the first clown went well, though she later discovered had done away with him, so he wasn't the real deal...her bad. After her lengthy sabbatical she'd finished her quest too find her own mojo, and there it was. Having relinquished the black domino mask, she became her own person, Harley Quinn...rather then simply being Harleen Quinnzel that occasionally dressed up in costume and commit crimes. Smoothing out her outfit, for the time being her actual Jesters suit, only sleeker, and paired with a setting of thick goggles used for cover when she used nerve and laughing gas. It had been some time since she had written in her Diary, retrieving it from her hidden place, which had been misplaced...she'd find it deep within her closet. Grabbing a pen from off the floor, the blonde settled against the door frame and wrote away along in her book. 'Dear Die-ary, it's been some time since I've filled you with my thoughtfully goodness. In fact, went through another clown...he was super swell, we had a good running...but he's gone MIA they all seem too do that too me, annoying really. I thought I keep up hope, but too no avail. Still I met myself another clown, he's got alot of enemies and by default as I've made him my own it seems like I'm going too be back on the firing squad. Still if people cant accept the fact that I choose too align myself with certain folks then screw them...I've never been nothin' but nice too people, and what do I get for it!? Nothing...well or would if they hate me for my choices...I think I may be happy now...I dont know it hasn't been long, but I swear if I chase off this Clown, I'm done...swearing them off altogether. ~Harley' she would finish with a small distant smile.