Chanel, She's in love heart with Shadow, who pretends not to like her back until she casts a spell on him to make him tell truth. Here's a little part to my story of complete randomness:
Chanel, Galleria, Calvin, and Jude came home from school only to spot some people they didn't know in their home. "Um... Who are you?" He asked a blue hedgehog. The hedgehog look up from the T.V. with curious green eyes. "I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog." He said carefully. He didn't want them to think he was... " OH, MY GOD!! YOU LOOK LIKE SCOURGE!" Sonic knew that name he just couldn't quite remember who Scourge was, or what he had done in the past. "Oo, you're right." Jude said in a skater/surfer dude voice. "Both of you, go take your meds! NOW!" Chanel said. "But we don't take meds" Galleria said. "Well then, you should both go to the doctor."
"Im outta here." Calvin said as he walked into the kitchen.
That's all I'll give ya fer now, So... BYE!! heart 4laugh ninja whee xp sweatdrop xd smile biggrin