♥Jason Cross♥
♫With the O-M-F-G, what the ********? b***h please. You can get on both knees. That's the one time your good for me. Lick it up, suck it down, stomp your heart into the ground....♪
ღღღღღEdward just shrugged as he soon lifted his arm and began petting the fat cat on his chest. "I dunno. I guess it really depends." He said, now just looking down at Crow. "I know this sounds like an odd question, but Crow, how old are you?"ღღღღღ
♫******** ******** ******** you, and all your bullshit. ******** ******** ******** you and all your drama b***h. Just ******** you. Just ******** you. Success is the best revenge~♪
O. O. C. Oh it wouldn't? I thought it was just me. o; And sorry about your cold.
SadieSaysRawrz2422 · Tue Jun 29, 2010 @ 11:09pm · 0 Comments |