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Stupid-no-Jutsu : The art of being stupid.
Finally released in a totally unabridged format.
Stolen from NightSymphony
1.Smoked: Tried it a few times, then quit.

2.Drank alcohol: On a day to day basis.

3.Cried when someone died: Yes, but not as much as I thought I would.

4.Been drunk: Yes, and it wasn't the best time of my life either.

5.Had sex: People claim that I have not, but honestly I have.

6.Been to a concert: Again, people claimed that I have not, but yes I have been to one.

7.Given a handjob/gotten a handjob: I'd rather not say, makes me feel rather dirty thinking of it.

8.Given a b*****b/gotten a b*****b: I have a gag reflex, I'd rather not.

9.Been verbally sexually harassed: Yes, I think I am being sexually harassed at work. I don't really care.

10.Verbally sexually harassed somebody: Verbally I have.

11.Felt someone up and/or been felt up: Yeah.

12.Laughed so hard something came out of your nose: Yes, several times.

13.Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend before: If I ever think of cheating, I will break up with the person I am with. They don't deserve such treatment.

14.Been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes, despite how much he denies the fact.

15.Been to prom: Yes, but with no date.

16.Cried at school: Several times.

17.Gotten lost in a WalMart or a department store: Yes, it wasn't fun.

18.Went streaking: I don't plan on doing so any time soon.

19.Given a lap dance: I don't dance.

20.Had someone of the opposite sex in your room: He lived there.

21.Had someone of the opposite sex sleep over: He lived in my room.

22.Slept over at someone of the opposite sex's house: Yes. I think I have.

23.Kissed a stranger: No, but sounds like fun.

24.Hugged a stranger: Thats what Anime Expo is for.

25.Went scuba diving: Not yet.

26.Driven a car: Yes, and I turned one on today too. :3

27.Gotten an xray: Yes, it was very uncomfortable.

28.Hit by a car: I play this game where I try to barely miss getting hit.

29.Had a party: Never had a party, never been to one either.

30.Done drugs: Despite what everyone says, I am 100% drug free.

31.Played strip poker: I'd lose, so no.

32.Got paid to strip for someone: If it was over 500 dollars, I'd consider it. Otherwise no.

33.Ran away from home: Yes.

34.Broken a bone: Sprained, never broken.

35.Eaten sushi: I love sushi.

36.Bought porn: No.

37.Watched porn: Yes, it was very uninteresting.

38.Made porn: I'd film it.

39.Had a crush on someone of the same sex: No.

40.Been in love: Once.

41.Frenched kissed: Yes.

42.Laughed so hard you cried: Yes.

43.Cried yourself to sleep: I do so on a weekly basis.

44.Laughed yourself to sleep: No.

45.Stabbed yourself: Yes.

46.Shot a gun: Had the opportunity, something inside me said no. (But I really want to.)

47.Trash talked someone and then acted like their best friend the next day: Yes.

48.Watched TV for 9 consecutive hours: Yes.

49.Been online for 9 consecutive hours: Yes.

50.Watched an animal die: Yes...my cat Milo.

51.Watched a person die: No.

52.Kissed and/or messed around somewhere with at least 1 person present: No.

53.Pranked somebody: Yes.

54.Put somebody in the hospital: Almost, it was kinda fun.

55.Snuck into someone's room and/or your own room after being out: Yes.

56.Kissed somebody of the same sex: No.

57.Dressed punk: Yes.

58.Dressed goth: Yes.

59.Dressed preppy: When I was younger.

60.Been to a motocross race: No.

61.Avoided somebody: I do that almost every day I am at school.

62.Been stalked: Yes.

63.Stalked someone: Yes.

64.Met a celebrity: No.

65.Played an instrument: Yes.

66.Ridden a horse: Yes.

67.Cut yourself: Yes.

68.Bungee jumped: No, but I might want to.

69.Ding dong ditched somebody: Yes.

70.Been to a wild party: No.

71.Got caught stealing something: Yes.

72.Kicked a guy in the balls: Yes.

73.Stolen a boyfriend/girlfriend from a friend: No.

74.Went out with your friend's crush: No.

75.Got arrested: Yes.

76.Been pregnant: No.

77.Babysat: In the past.

78.Been to another country: Not yet.

79.Started your house on fire: Almost.

80.Had an encounter with a ghost: Yes.

81.Donated your hair to cancer patients: I plan to if they will take my hair.

82.Been asked out by someone that you never though you'd to be asked out by: Yes.

83.Cried over a member of the opposite sex: Yes.

84.Had a boyfriend/girlfriend for over 3 months: Yes.

85.Sat on your a** all day: Yes, sometimes.

86.Ate a whole carton of ice cream all by yourself: Yes.

87.Had a job: Yes.

88.Gotten cut from a sports team: Yes.

89.Been called a whore: Yes.

90.Danced like a whore: No.

91.Been mistaken for a celebrity: I've been told that I look like that one dark chick from American Beauty, and Katie Holmes for some godawful reason. o.o

92.Been in a car accident: Almost.

93.Been told you have beautiful eyes: Yes.

94.Been told you have beautiful hair: Yes.

95.Raped somebody: I've been accused.

96.Danced in the rain: Yes.

97.Been rejected: All the time.

98.Walked out of a restaurant without paying: Yes.

99.Punched someone/slapped someone in the face: Yes, and it was liberating.

100.Been To the circus: No, I am the circus.


I did the one last night.

Damn. I just realized it.

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Princess Jae The Pirate
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 25, 2006 @ 02:16am
1.Smoked: would if i could, but i made a promise i wouldn't. 2.Drank alcohol: not yet, but i will. 3.Cried when someone died: Tear jerked, but people only cry because its a shock somehow. nothing can really shock me. 4.Been drunk: Never, never 5.Had sex: A little 6.Been to a concert: dozens, baby. 7.Given a handjob/gotten a handjob: i'm a giver. 8.Given a b*****b/gotten a b*****b: i'm a giver and a taker 9.Been verbally sexually harassed: probably. 10.Verbally sexually harassed somebody: probably 11.Felt someone up and/or been felt up: Yup. 12.Laughed so hard something came out of your nose: Yup. 13.Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend before: The only thing i have ever regreted in my whole life. 14.Been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope. 15.Been to prom: nope. 16.Cried at school: yeah. 17.Gotten lost in a WalMart or a department store: ******** if i remember. 18.Went streaking: I plan to streak in west hollywood where nobody would take advantage of my nakedness. 19.Given a lap dance: I don't dance. 20.Had someone of the opposite sex in your room: not to sound like a slut, but all the ******** time. 21.Had someone of the opposite sex sleep over: not in my room though. 22.Slept over at someone of the opposite sex's house: don't think so. 23.Kissed a stranger: yup. Concert are fun. 24.Hugged a stranger: don't remember. 25.Went scuba diving: No. 26.Driven a car: Have you met my car Kronus? 27.Gotten an xray: For my teeth. 28.Hit by a car: Probably. 29.Had a party: Yeah, like i really know that many people. 30.Done drugs :*Sigh* no. i'm a compulsive liar. i might be lying about everything right now. wink 31.Played strip poker: i don't know how to play poker. 32.Got paid to strip for someone: i don't know people with that little dignity. 33.Ran away from home: Hardly. 34.Broken a bone: Nope. 35.Eaten sushi: I'm not afraid to torture and hack up a person, but i am afraid to try sushi. 36.Bought porn: ******** yeah! 37.Watched porn: ******** yeah! 38.Made porn: no, but if i did it would be a lesbian film. 39.Had a crush on someone of the same sex: Yup. 40.Been in love: No ******** clue. 41.Frenched kissed: Yes. 42.Laughed so hard you cried: Yes. 43.Cried yourself to sleep: i don't remember. 44.Laughed yourself to sleep: i don't remember that either. 45.Stabbed yourself: Yes, but i'm still alive so you know it wasn't that hard. 46.Shot a gun: sounds fun in a certain situation, but i'm more of a stabby person. 47.Trash talked someone and then acted like their best friend the next day: Yes. 48.Watched TV for 9 consecutive hours: Yes. 49.Been online for 9 consecutive hours: Hell no. 50.Watched an animal die: no, that would make me cry. 51.Watched a person die: No, that would make me laugh. 52.Kissed and/or messed around somewhere with at least 1 person present: THREESOMES ALL AROUND!! 53.Pranked somebody: i don't remember. 54.Put somebody in the hospital: In my mind. which ******** sucks. 55.Snuck into someone's room and/or your own room after being out: Nope. 56.Kissed somebody of the same sex: Yup. 57.Dressed punk: No, anybody who dresses punk and thinks that they are punk are automatically posers. ask me why. 58.Dressed goth: Yes. 59.Dressed preppy: what a vague term. 60.Been to a motocross race: No. 61.Avoided somebody: Well yeah, people suck. 62.Been stalked: Yes. 63.Stalked someone: Yes. 64.Met a celebrity: Not yet. 65.Played an instrument: First Alto in the Santa Ana College Jazz Band, baby! 66.Ridden a horse: Yes. 67.Cut yourself: Yes, boredom can be an ugly thing. 68.Bungee jumped: No, but its perfect if you're feeling suicidal. 69.Ding dong ditched somebody: i have 3 letters in response UPS. 70.Been to a wild party: No, demophobia. 71.Got caught stealing something: Yes. But only twice. 72.Kicked a guy in the balls: Yes, but i actually didn't mean to. but next time it won't be an accident. 73.Stolen a boyfriend/girlfriend from a friend: No. 74.Went out with your friend's crush: No. 75.Got arrested: No. thank the gods. 76.Been pregnant: No. 77.Babysat: Not really. 78.Been to another country: No and it tears me up inside everyday that i'm not in another country. 79.Started your house on fire: Damn macaroni and cheese! 80.Had an encounter with a ghost: Wow, another vague word. 81.Donated your hair to cancer patients: No, i don't like helping people. 82.Been asked out by someone that you never though you'd to be asked out by: i don't remember. 83.Cried over a member of the opposite sex: Yes. 84.Had a boyfriend/girlfriend for over 3 months: Nope. 85.Sat on your a** all day: Yeah, boredom can be an ugly thing. 86.Ate a whole carton of ice cream all by yourself: Yes. 87.Had a job: Yes. 88.Gotten cut from a sports team: don't think so. 89.Been called a whore: more times than the fingers on my hands and toes. 90.Danced like a whore: how the ******** do they dance? 91.Been mistaken for a celebrity: Not mistaken, complimented. 92.Been in a car accident: Yup. 93.Been told you have beautiful eyes: Yes. 94.Been told you have beautiful hair: Yes. 95.Raped somebody: I would never, unless she was Hilary Duff or Paris Hilton. In Paris' case, i would put a bag over her head first. 96.Danced in the rain: Yes. 97.Been rejected: Yeah, it got old really fast so i stopped trying. 98.Walked out of a restaurant without paying: nope. 99.Punched someone/slapped someone in the face: In my mind, which also ******** sucks. 100.Been To the circus: in my childhood i went to the american standard circus, and it was really lame. then i went to a real circus. no other circus in the world compares to it. Cirque du Soleil is the s**t! Wow, that was a lot of ******** questions. but it sort of feels good to answer them. its not everyday that people are asked these kind of questions. ********. I want out of this country. Stop the world! I wanna get on!!! heart pirate

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 25, 2006 @ 04:52am
1.Smoked: lost too much already by family members smoking. 2.Drank alcohol: Ex-Alcoholic at 21 years of age. Damn... 3.Cried when someone died: My fathers uncle died, he cried, and it teared me up to see my father in that weak of a position. 4.Been drunk: a few times, I get really giddy... 5.Had sex: With the wrong person >.< 6.Been to a concert: a few. Indies, though. 7.Given a handjob/gotten a handjob: Given one, found the G :3nod: 8.Given a b*****b/gotten a b*****b: given one, never got teh return as was promised :scream: 9.Been verbally sexually harassed: Harassed, but not sexually 10.Verbally sexually harassed somebody: never was interested. 11.Felt someone up and/or been felt up: yes on both. 12.Laughed so hard something came out of your nose: Coffee, Sprite, Hot Chocolate, and varying other sodas. 13.Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend before: nor do I ever intend to. 14.Been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend: I'm told I was, but the facts don't add up, and they add on to teh story every time. 15.Been to prom: Senior. With a total Ditz, shoulda asked Raksha out :Gonk: 16.Cried at school: the One time I was rejected, sadly enough :sweat: 17.Gotten lost in a WalMart or a department store: no 18.Went streaking: bleagh, my girlfriend is the only one who finds my body a turn on, so she's the only one who can have it. 19.Given a lap dance: who would wanna see that? 20.Had someone of the opposite sex in your room: often. 21.Had someone of the opposite sex sleep over: in my room? Once. 22.Slept over at someone of the opposite sex's house: Once. For a little over a week straight. 23.Kissed a stranger: nope. not much for NCMOS. 24.Hugged a stranger: does church count? 25.Went scuba diving: No. 26.Driven a car: plenty. 27.Gotten an xray: almost broke my ribs a number of times, bruised patella, spinal injury, multiple concussions. As well as whatever dentals I've had done. 28.Hit by a car: nope. 29.Had a party: not exactly a Keggar... 30.Done drugs :Pharmaceuticals. Never found too much interest in teh illegal stuff. 31.Played strip poker: Nobody would want to, I've been playing poker since I was 7, and have always kicked a**. 32.Got paid to strip for someone: if they're that ******** up to want to see me naked, I don't wanna be aroudn them. 33.Ran away from home: No reason to. 34.Broken a bone: Not yet, amazingly enough. 35.Eaten sushi: unfortunately, and I almost puked, too. 36.Bought porn: yeah 37.Watched porn: yeah 38.Made porn: nope. 39.Had a crush on someone of the same sex: yuck. The Masculine body is the most disgusting thing... 40.Been in love: Twice. 41.Frenched kissed: Yes. 42.Laughed so hard you cried: Yes. 43.Cried yourself to sleep: no. 44.Laughed yourself to sleep: no. 45.Stabbed yourself: no. 46.Shot a gun: no. 47.Trash talked someone and then acted like their best friend the next day: no. 48.Watched TV for 9 consecutive hours: no. 49.Been online for 9 consecutive hours: all the time. 50.Watched an animal die: no. 51.Watched a person die: My Grandfather. 52.Kissed and/or messed around somewhere with at least 1 person present: Yes, and they b***h and MOAN about it the whole damn time! 53.Pranked somebody: I have photo evidence, too ^_^ 54.Put somebody in the hospital: Once 55.Snuck into someone's room and/or your own room after being out: didn't need to sneak, my business is my own, my parents respect that. 56.Kissed somebody of the same sex: nope. 57.Dressed punk: not unless it was on accident. 58.Dressed goth: no. 59.Dressed preppy: I'd shoot myself first.... 60.Been to a motocross race: No. 61.Avoided somebody: often. 62.Been stalked: no. 63.Stalked someone: no. 64.Met a celebrity: Michael Irvin. 65.Played an instrument: B flat Clarinet! 66.Ridden a horse: Yes. 67.Cut yourself: unintentionally, of course. 68.Bungee jumped: nope, fear of heights >.< 69.Ding dong ditched somebody: no idea what the ******** that is. 70.Been to a wild party: No, Utah. 71.Got caught stealing something: Yes. 72.Kicked a guy in the balls: no, that is a sin. 73.Stolen a boyfriend/girlfriend from a friend: No. 74.Went out with your friend's crush: No. 75.Got arrested: No. 76.Been pregnant: No. 77.Babysat: Who would be insane enough to trust their Children with [i]ME?[/i] 78.Been to another country: Japan and Mexico 79.Started your house on fire: Oops >.< 80.Had an encounter with a ghost: nope 81.Donated your hair to cancer patients: Once, and teh ******** sold my name. 82.Been asked out by someone that you never though you'd to be asked out by: never been asked out before 83.Cried over a member of the opposite sex: Yeah, when she called off our engagement 84.Had a boyfriend/girlfriend for over 3 months: Yeah, currently 85.Sat on your a** all day: does Hernia count? 86.Ate a whole carton of ice cream all by yourself: Yes. 87.Had a job: Yes. 88.Gotten cut from a sports team: no, only when teh season ended or I moved. 89.Been called a whore: Korean Whore, but that guy called everyone Korean Whores. Dunno why. 90.Danced like a whore: nope, like a White Guy 91.Been mistaken for a celebrity: "Hey, aren't you in a Band?" 92.Been in a car accident: yup, I had to replace teh front end of my Truck, and I scratched his bumper >.<. 93.Been told you have beautiful eyes: Yes. 94.Been told you have beautiful hair: Yes. 95.Raped somebody: I prefer the Eunich treatment for Rapists. 96.Danced in the rain: no. 97.Been rejected: Once, in my senior year. 98.Walked out of a restaurant without paying: nope. 99.Punched someone/slapped someone in the face: Punched plenty of people, though I prefer to avoid teh face, it always ******** my wrist up afterwards. 100.Been To the circus: yeah, a few times.

Se Ga Takai
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 25, 2006 @ 04:53am
Yeah, thats why I answer them.

Gives me something to do. D:

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