Character One
Name: Nicolas
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Hair: Black and white
Skin: White/Pale Light Blue
Eye's: Medium-Dark Blue
Favorite Color: Blue
Occupation: Accountant
Dream Occupation: Botanist/Stripper
Biography About Him: Nicolas (Preferred to be called "Nicky" wink Was born to two Lesbian Parents. They had four other girls, and He didn't want to be the odd one out. From when he was born to when he was six, He had started acting like a full out girl. When he went into Middle School, Kids didn't accept his decision, so he was beat constantly by the Seventh and Eighth graders. When he got out of there, he Finally found his solemate; A man named Morale, Who had the same exact life (minus the Lesbian Parents) and was looking for someone Just like Nicky. They went to High School together, and were the First Crossdressing Couple. After High school, they tied the knot, and have been together for 8 years and counting. Sadly, Nicky isn't really accepted all that much in society, so they hide him behind a desk 5 days of the week. His skin was something that nobody could understand, and it was incurable, so he went with it. He's been a strong character, and this is his signature look (the hair is the same colors, just a different style.)

Name: Mary-Clarke
Age: 129 (looks about 22)
GUSH judging
entry one: Aleyska
Theme: 10/10
Originality: 4/5
Visual Appeal: 17/20
Judge's Points: 9/10
Total: 40/45
Comments: What a very nice avatar. While you and another competitor used the same item, i don't think either of you outlasted each other. You both did a good job with it. yours is a little unoriginal, color wise. I feel Like I've seen it before, and along with that, i believe you used two items from a set (fascinator and shoes) and the blue shades are slightly off. If i could also add on, i would say distribute the purples, because they need to be in the torso. Very good job though.
entry two: Ratt Scabies
Theme: 10/10
Originality: 4/5
Visual Appeal: 16/20
Judges Points: 10/10
Total: 40/45
Comments: I feel like I've seen this before of you. I've seen an avatar that looks like this in LMAL, I've seen the color scheme before, and I"ve seen the item choices before. Your gray's are amazing, the way you matched them. however, when you put those black sandals on, they stick out so much against your grays. Then your greens seem to have slight mismatch's and the reds as well.
entry three: Izzy Fizz
Theme: 6/10
Originality: 5/5
Visual Appeal: 15/20
Judges Points: 6/10
Total: 32/45
Comments: I dont understand this at all. The hair looks misplaced and strange, and I'm not sure what you were going for. The headpiece and ruins and jinxi leg wraps make me think that it's a tribal girl, but the lack of weapon, face and dress make me lose that thought, and i stare at a strange avatar. That being said, I like the avatar just glancing at it and then looking away, but then staring at it, it seems to weird me out.
entry four: Autio Ainoa
Theme: 10/10
Originality: 4/5
Visual Appeal: 17/20
Judges Points: 10/10
Total: 41/45
Comments: This is a beautiful avatar. What i think the same thing you and Aleyska had in common was the item choice and the color scheme; The blues are almost alike, but they both have different feels; hers is whimsical and yours is more... what's the word I"m looking for? it's sad, yet elegant at the same time. I love your dress layering. When i looked at it for a few minutes, i didn't think the item worked. But then i looked at it for a little while longer, and it works so well. The pico. urn headpiece doesn't really work, i think just the classilke would work. And the background is beautiful, what you did with it.
entry five: howell at me
Theme: 8/10
Originality: 4/5
Visual Appeal: 15/20
Judges Points: 6/10
Total: 33/45
Comments: Eh. This looks very noobish, and not up to par to your fellow competition. Using two items from a set, using a boring color color scheme, and not good looking layering. All i can see from this is how it has potential. I mean, give a couple of days, some layering, a new color scheme and heck, you got an amazing avatar on your hand. But what i get from this is just as i said before; noobish. What i think is your problem, is the mouth. Because a lipstick would have helped you so much better then the mouth.
entry six: omgabbye13
Theme: 10/10
Originality: 5/5
Visual Appeal: 17/20
Judges Points: 10/10
Total: 42/45
Comments: Ha. This is really funny to look at, and the slowpoke is just icing on the cake. What i keep thinking about your stuff is it seems very much like I've seen it before. Last weeks, seems something like this weeks. Something intrigues me though; As i look in your history, you seem to get better and better. Kind of like me, because i got better and better as time went along. I think that you have great talent, because you've been consistently good.
entry seven: Black Daisys
Theme: 7/10
Originality: 5/5
Visual Appeal: 15/20
Judges Points: 7/10
Total: 34/45
Comments: I don't particularly care for this avatar. The layering is too simple, the colors against the darker skin hurts my eyes, and i don't really think it's interesting. I've seen this avatar before, with the scenery and the kind of fairy in the tree theme, so I"m not really seeing something very original.
entry eight: 1 hit wonder boy
Theme: 9/10
Originality: 5/5
visual appeal: 16/20
Judges Points: 8/10
Total: 39/45
Comments: I like the colors. And the theme, even if it's very predictable with the item you chose. I don't really like this tealish color you chose here, it's hard to match, and it shows that you had trouble with it. Every other color is fantastical though. The pants are weird, they look oddly like... teal potato sacks.
Fall Lingerie Line (Please hit Dream Free); Layered, Color Pop, Sexy

more to be added when the time comes...