Brianna, I met once I stepped in JRH. (Junior Hight school.) At 1st, I honestly thought she and I were going to hate eachother. Boy, i was wrong. She was wearing bright clothes that caught my eyes. We started talking. We talked for a very long time. Till the bell rang. I though I never was gonna see her again. But then 3rd P. Our teacher was Mrs. Easton. I was sitting next to the window then she popped in. I smiled big. She came to sit next to me. We started talking once again. We even rode the same bus together. Everyday, she and I were bestfriends. I envy her. She is amazing, cute, funny. Her personality is just great. I love Brianna as a sister. I don;t know what I'd do if I never found her. Hell, I wouldnt be on gaia. That's for sure. She is pretty much the one who showed me. But she no longer gets on. -sighs- There was a time we didn't talk for a year. Till my Ex went to the same school as her. Then she and I became unsepratable. (Sorry for the spelling errors!) We text everyday. We hang out ever Saturday. We now plan on moving in together.