I swear I must be in love with Animorphs. STILL!!! Seriously! I still have dreams where I'm searching for the books in the series that I have yet to obtain. I know that I don't plan on reading them till I have them ready at like 5 in row of it. I still check the book sections at Goodwill whenever we go there, hoping to catch a Megamorph from the series and I know I can just order them, but...-makes a face- I'm too cheap to pay $5 a book when I can get them for 99 cents at Goodwill. The libraries only stock the ones in the 40-70's of the series and I'm not ever to the 10th book xP
Yeah...now I think I'm about to start a new collection. First it was the Pounce style Beanie Babies, now I have Animorphs...might join some guild or thread if they have it here too. -hangs head when he realizes that this is to him as Sonic is to May- Yeah...methinks Adam is an Animorph nut.
That's right, this Kitty just said WooF!