The Proactiv commercials horrify me. Not only do they have Katey Perry as a spokeswoman and a series of "now I can do all these things I couldn't do because of acne" commercials (If you're waiting for the zits to go away to start living your life, I'm thinking serious psychotherapy is in order because your problems are not skin deep), but they have one about how people seeing you for the first time on face book won't want to be your friend because you have acne. Seriously, I can barely see these marks on TV, so i figure strangers scoping you out on facebook, can't see them. This means that these fabulous people you'll never meet because they were horrified by your acne on facebook photos, are a bunch of creepers methodically zooming in on the photos of strange women to see if they have Barbie perfect skin, then approaching only the barbies. Um, eeewww! Why would any one want to meet someone who spends hours a day doing that?