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This story takes place in the present day, and revolves mainly around the story of a young Japanese-American girl named Serika Hiroshima. How she has to deal not only with the bases of a normal school life, but with the new life that is forced upon her; her vampire life. She meets a 200 year old vampire, Rikonu Takora, who takes here away from her comfy teenage life, and throws her into a war he's been waging since before she was born. A war that he started over the invention of a drug, and this drug would allow vampires to walk into the sun unharmed. Serika at first rejects and hates her new life, even refuses to drink blood. But with some help from her now new maters, and a few others like her, she overcomes all doubt and fights for what she soon believes in; never ending friendship and love.
[Takora Family Cross][Takora Cross Fan Made]
The Character Pages have moved
If you would like to read more about the story go to each character page and read their bios.
Serika Hiroshima
Rikonu Takora
Eliabeth James
Gin Turukashin
Gigi Turukashin
Rikonu and Serika first hate each other, Serika hates him because she forced her new life onto her, and Rikonu hates her because he finds that she complains about everything and isn't a real vampire. Later, they realize each others faults and begin to respect and even love each other. So I'd like to get some art of them together.
Pics of Rikonu and Serika Mine (Oldest to Newest) - [07'][09'][09'][11'][12']
Since Gin and Gigi are brother/sister I would love to start drawing them together. I just came up with their character designs last in my character list and I will start to add my own couple pics of them when I draw them. In the meantime I'm hoping to get OC art of them together.
Pics of Gin and Gigi Mine (Oldest to Newest) - None Yet
Group Pictures
Group Mine (Oldest to Newest) - [12']
These five characters are my five main in the novel I am writing. They all live together, well four of them at first then Serika moves in half way through the novel. I really want to get better at drawing them all as a group. Hopefully now that I have their bios done I can do this. In the meantime I will just live with OC from the lovely people of Gaia.
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