Hiniko Here

╫Main Information╫
Full Name: Hiniko tastuna hyuga
Nicknames: Hini
Age: 15
Birthdate: may 10
Gender: female
Village village hidden in the leaves
Race: white
Rank: academy student
Shinobi Profession: protection/assasination
Ninja Type: genin
╫Major Infomation╫
Bloodline/ Or Soul Demon: sealed demon
Clan: hyuga
Current Bloodline Stage:
Chakra Color: green
Chakra Control: medium
Chakra Level: medium
Chakra Element: earth
Battle Strength: close range combat
Battle Weakness: long range combat
Fights Won: 4
Fights Lost: 0
Shinobi Special Skills:
1. close range
-Completed Missions-
S Rank:
A Rank:
B Rank:
C Rank:
D Rank:
Organizations: none
╫Summoning infomation╫
Summoning Type: none
Boss Summoning: none
╫Shinobi Equipment Information:╫
Headband Location: Around her neck
Headband Style:
Headband Color: blue
Flack Jacket Style:
Flak Jacket Color: blue
Weapon Class: kunei and shuriken
Name of Weapon:
Weapon Range:
Special Abilities:
Weapon Location:
Exploding Smoke Grenade=3
Makibishi= 1
Shuriken= 10
Light Bombs= 2
Kunai Holster Location:her thight
Kunai Holster Color: dark green
Shuriken and Bomb Holster Location: her side
Shuriken and Bomb Holster Color:dark green
Backpack Style: normal
Backpack Color: black
Summoning Scroll Holster Location:back
Summoning Scroll Holster Color: black
╫Technique List╫
<Start with>
•Henge no Jutsu (transformation justsu)
•Kawarimi no Jutsu (substitution jutsu)
•Bushin no Jutsu (clone jutsu)
• Hakkeshō Kaiten(Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin)
• Hakkeshō Dai Kaiten(Eight Trigrams Palms Great Heavenly)
• Eight Trigrams Mountain Crusher
• Hakurō Tenbu(White Haze Dance)
• Hakke Rokujūyon Shō(Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms)
• True Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms
╫Character Description╫
Personality: calm, silent, hardworking, strong willed, intelligent, loves to make friends, artistic
Nindo: There is no limet in life exept a limet
Height: 5 1/2 ft
Weight: 130
Original Eye Color: Green
╫Background Information╫
I remember this vividly, How could I not? I was five then..when I honestly thought I was going to die. I had been playing in the backyard with my cousins. We were practising something but I forgot what that was. I remember a shout being heard from the house, and when I looked up to the backdoor, my dad had been slamed through it. He was hastily trying to get up but he was to slow. I stoo andgerd and afraid of whatever had pushed him down. That was mean of them, I had thought. But the worst yet was still to come.
A large man most likly 5 times the size of my father came baralling out of the shatterd door. His smiles as he looked at me, has forever been haunting me. He laughed and kicked my dad heavily in the face causing him to fall over again. Only then did I see the blood streamind down my dads chest. The man rushed at me and I stood my ground like the fool I was. I had been tought to stand up for myself, so I was.
It didn't work. I hit him in his nee but he simply laughed at me. He picked me up painfully by the sides and through me over his shoulder. I screamed loudly for him to let me go, swinging futily at him, trying to get free. I didn't understand why he wanted me. I screamed for my father who wasn't getting up. Tears streaked my little face and I continued to scream and kick growing red with lack of air. He grew tired of this soon and hit me in the back of my head.
I remember blinding pain and then my eyes slowly closed. The blurry vision of my home and dead father being the last thing I saw. My cousin sitting on the ground tears in his angry eyes. I passed out not knowing where I was headed.
For two years I was stuck inside a small room. No windows, no way out but a metal door that they locked. They fed me just enought to stay awake and alive. My arms were chained to the wall behind me, so I couldn't fight. I would try to kick them, but when they broke one of my legs I stoped sitting helplessly on the ground.
They interogated me yelled at me, and hit me if I refused to answer their questions. I didn't understand it then. How could the grown ups be so mean? But I found they had wanted revenge on my family for something my father had done. I would never tell.
They fed me small doses of poisen. Not enough to kill me but enough to make me sick and barly strong enough to talk. I knew I would die here. I had given up on getting out, trying to find out who they were. But then on my seventh birthday, a loud explosion was heard in the hallway. Dazed I titled my head up and looked expectantly at the door. Earlyer that day, they had played some strange type of music that I swear was going to drive me crazy. My head was still numb from it. I simply hopped this was the end to my torument.
Three men slamed their way into my room. My home I had called it. The cut my out of my chains and cought me before I could slump painfully to the ground. I didn't ask questions not realizing yet that they were saving me. I could barly stay awake let alone look at them long enought to realize they were relatives. But when I was back i the sunlight that blinded me for a while. Back running in the woods and hearing the concerned mutters of the ones holding me, I knew I was free, I don't know how, but I was.
Now I am safe and free in the village hidden in the leaves. I am 15 years old, and though revenge is on my mind I am working on becoming the best ninja ever for the hyuga clan. I still dream about those to years...think about it. Somedays I refuse to leave my room based on how strong my nightmare is the night before. But I a happy. I am high spireted and refuse to be afraid anymore. I love joking around, and I refuse to sulk over my past. I am a bit silent I admit but that's because talking can sometimes annoy me. I prefer to just sit and listen. I live with my cousin. Yes the same one from that day. I found my father and brother barried at our family grave. I miss them sometimes. But i'll live. They did what the could. And so now you know my story. However morbid it may be.