Total Value: 533,972 Gold
After Exclusions: 492,289 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Great Old One
Opal Borealis
Audrey's Black Ankle Strap Heels
Demonic Anklets
Satin Hairbow
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
Kottan Bell 5th Gen
My friend might've lied to me about getting hacked. Im a lil sad. She had said she lost EVERYTHING that was worth a lot of money. I had given her my NOM NOM and KItty Slippers. She said she lost the sun and gave me the slippers back. Now I saw her avi and GUESS WHAT??? She's wearing BAD MOON, an item she had before she got "hacked". Unless her friend gave another to her, she lied about getting hacked. I would have never thought about her lieing about it to keep my sun. I hope she messages me back saying something like: "Oh, no you've got it wrong. You remember my friend, well he gave me another after I told him I got hacked. He's really nice. Im rly sry about your son. I can try to get another for you ^^."