I read Jane Bites Back, in which a vampire Jane Austen is the viewpoint character. It is amusing to me, as someone fond of both Austen and the many of the other 19th century authors mentioned, though I nearly abandoned it in the middle for fear they were going somewhere I adamantly didn't want to go with it. I stuck it out one more chapter and it was fine. The novel was rather slow starting, but really picked up round about the middle, as I mentioned. I'm not sorry I read it, and I expect the sequel will be better. I still have some qualms, being that rare person who like Austen and two of the Brontes (I was not impressed with Anne, and all there is of Bramwell is romanticized juvenalia), and this is a very Jane slanted book for obvious reasons. I was amused as all get out by the veiled Poliodori references, if nothing else. All in all, uneven, but I'm okay with that given how hard what the author was trying to do was.