The Mute Black Sheep of the Dawning Beauty
Written By Rurouni Mori

Ask me why I not hide
And board up ye old home.
Ask me why I not ride
And flee from ye doomed home.

(5) A tale to tell,
A life to sell.
Light to banish
And darkness to brandish.

The darkened clouds
(10) Thick as that wool.
The furious storm clouds
Curled as that Lady's hair.

A young man cast to journey
Find hisself racing against Zeus' fury.
(15) Rolling across empty plains,
Battling nature's grassy fangs.

His innocent eyes fallen on it,
A creature of curse.
Such a message was it
(20) Nothing could be worse than Zeus' curse.

The man's eyes met those onyx orbs,
His body stilled.
His breath as silent
As the black creature's broken kiss.

(25) Follow that sheep he did,
For many a mile.
Talk never he did,
For all that while.

Camped after many days was he
(30) On the edge of that cliff.
Exhausted was he
From following that black sheep in bliss.

An' after the Lady's moon slept, at the Lord's awakening.
His light dawned the new day.
(35)The man woke to such a beauty
Shining in the Sun's glorious rays.

A woman of white flesh and horribly black eyes,
Whose curls were softened, like animal wool.
Black lips sealed to tell no lies
(40)And midnight fabrics to carress her figure.

And so awfully beautiful was she,
That speak didn't he.
And from such silence came a song
That she had not sang in so long.

(45) An' to this day the man can see
That goddess - like face with unmoving lips.
To this day the man can hear
That sorrowful melody from full, stilled lips.

So I hide not from this storm,
(50) That;s as thick as th Mute Black Sheep's wool,
That's as awing as Her onyx curls.
But I wait...for the Dawning Beauty's form.