Cheza Jynx Corine (Jynxi)

[♥][♥][♥][♥][♥][♥][♥][♥] [♥][♥][♥][♥]
Race:one-fourth German, three-fourths French
Build:Slim, with average curves and hips. She is very small and 'loli'
Hair:Jynxi's hair is straight and goes about four or five inches past her shoulders. It is a dishwater blonde with naturally blonde highlights.
Eyes: Her eyes are a violet-blue color when she is sad, and a bright blue color when she is content
Lips: She has very full lips
Ears and tail: Jynxi's ears and tail are a the same color as her hair (excluding the highlights) and they resemble that of a fox with white on the tips of the tail and ears
Nose:A small nose
Face:Jynxi's face is heart-shaped
Likes:loud music, neutral colors, scary movies, sweatpants, FOOD
Dislikes:Awkward silences, bright lights, light pop, heights, circuses, cages, darkness, tight clothes, being called a neko, clowns,the dark, most people
Clothing: She will always wear her small, loli hat as seen in the refs and a baggy sweater with many patches and knee-high socks (see refs).
The color of her clothes vary slightly, although she only wears neutral colors of tan, beige, brown, etc. along with scarlet, gold, and light, light pink.
She will often wear a pair of large headphones amd carry an eevee plushie.
Always Jynxi will wear band-aids of some sort, ESPECIALLY Hello Kitty
QUICK PERSONA:Quiet, blushing, trickster, curious, bipolar, flustered
Brief History:The girl has and will always be a street urchin, a vagabond.Jynxi was an orphan at birth, and many of the other children isolated her because she didn't conform to their standards. At age seven she ran away and lived by herself for several years. At night, she usually stayed in the forest in her werecat form, hunting occasionally for food. And sometimes, when society called for it, she would venture into town and pickpocket for her next meal or con rich fools out of their money. Jynxi wasn't born with her cat ears and tail, she got in a fight with a werewolf when she was ten and while trying to shift she got injured and ever since she couldn't shift back all the way. The werewolf left her near death, where a traveling band of circus gypsies found her and forced her to entertain in their act. At first, the girl refused, loathing being equated to a performing circus monkey, and so the gypsies often starved her for days at a time and beat her into submissiveness. It wasn't the beating that made the girl obey, but the lack of food. She absolutely could not stand starvation. At age thirteen, Jynxi murdered a fire breather for trying to rape her, and the girl took the opportunity to flee the circus.
Personality:Jynxi had always been brilliant, with a creative and cunning mind (cunning like a fox)
Because of her past experiences, she tends to shut others out emotionally and doesn't understand most human interactions and interpretations. However, she blushes often and gets flustered easily. She's been known to be incredibly bipolar, with a tendency to be cute and curiously innocent one moment, affectionate the next, and two minutes later agitated and grumpy; however this all depends on how the people around her respond to her, as well.
Typically she is inquisitive and over-thinks a situation to the point of over-complicating it. She doesn't like most people, though she strangely isn't one to hold grudges. When she meets someone for the first time and doesn't feel like talking to them, she will talk in French and pretend that she doesn't understand what English just to get out of holding a conversation. She despises small talk.
Although it never actually occured to her that one day she would impose such a reaction on someone who could speak French fluently xDD
Jynxi can always be seen eating or nibbling on some type of food!
Note: If given the chance to get close to someone, Jynxi can then become rather adorable and charming, child-like, even.
Jynxi is 3/4 French and 1/4 German and can speak both languages fluently. She has a French accent. Jynxi is also slowly dying. She often coughs up blood and can't go on hard exertions because she will grow nauseous. No one knows about her illness, though. It isn't known exactly what disease Jynxi has, but the symptoms are somewhat similar to Bronchiectasis in the ways that she is often fatigued, has unusual paleness, and coughs up blood. Although these are the only symptoms present.
When Jynxi knows you're watching her, she'll put a brave front, but really, she's terrified of heights, clowns, circuses, the dark, and being alone. She often does stupid stunts that make her feel more alive and these same said stunts often, ultimately, end up getting her severely injured. She welcomes the pain, thinking she deserves it. Because of this Jynxi will always be seen with bruises, scrapes, cuts, and black eyes. She often wears pink, hello kitty band-aids and loves Pokemon (She has an eevee plushie that she likes to carry).