Okay, first of all happy holidays to the people. Right now I am sitting in a pink snuggie. I know what you are thinking "This lady is being %&!#@*$ tortured. CaLl ThE PoLiCe!!!!!!!!" Calm down. My mom got it for chistmas and I am really cold. It's like 34 degrees down In Texas.
I am really Missing my :~*( heart Crush heart off and on now for 8 years. He lives right down the street but I haven't seen him in a while. Cruse the rain. If it wasn't raining i'd "ride my bike around the neighborhood" but, really go ask his little sister how he is. He probably went to go visit his granny in Oklahoma. wahmbulance DON'T READ THE STRIKED PLACE.wahmbulanceFor the record I'd just like to say that I have nicknamed him heart Timothy heart to be able to talk about him In front of people. Only my closest friends know this.
This chistmas I got this laptop from "Santa". Then I got a messenger bag from my parents. Then my brother gave me the cold. Nice, huh? Yea my little brother may be evil( twisted ) but I couldn't live without him, For a year anyway...
I really like the beatles, so my 4 grandparents all got me, about 2 beatles CD's each. I am SOOOO exited about that. Now all I need is a CD player. Does anyone know how much they cost now???
I love the irish... Well at least one hot irish man. He is Irelands hottest male celebrity. Can you guess who he is? He's my Obssession of the week. Last week it was The photo booth pranks. I would keep saying, "This is Orlando parks FREE electronic photo booth," all the time and I think my friends want to kill me. cLiCk tHe LiNk tO WaTcH My fAvOrIeT iRiSh HoT GuY tAlK AbOuT FuNnY StUfF. FuNnY HoT iRiSh GuY!! Sorry Irish Ppl... i'M An aMeRiCaN fReAk!!!!!
tHiS ThInG Is GeTtiNg rEaLlY lOnG!!! If the link doesn't work look up Diseased Clappers! GoTtA Go nOw aNd pRoMoTe ThIs sTuPiD tHiNg On ThE fOrUoMs... bYEZZZZ pEaZe oUt tO yA AnD yA ANd Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.s. I got my drivers lisense and aperantley you are not supposed to drive fast and aim for stuff. It's In my Signature...:~*(
wahmbulanceSuscribe for the tacos!!!wahmbulance Never-mind. Sorry I ate them they smelled soo good...