The first alice was brave she entered Wonderland with her sword hand she cut down countless creatures she left a bright red path in her wake that alice is in the forest locked away as a criminal aside from the path she made in the forest there is no sign that she existed...the second alice was calm he sang a song in Wonderland spreading out countless notes he created a crazy world that alice was a rose shot down by a mad man he makes one bright red flower bloom admired by all he withers...the third alice was a young girl a beautiful figure in wonderland decieving countless people she created a strange country that alice was the country's queen possessed by a warped dream fearing her decaying body she ruled from the summit of the country following the small path through the forest having tea beneath the roses the invitation card from the palace was the trump card of hearts...the fourth lice was twin children entering wonderland of curiosity passing through countless doors they had only just recently become a stubborn sister and an intelligent brother they came close to being the true alice but... they won't wake from their dream they got lost in Wonderland...
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