Fall outfit --- Summer oufit --- Winter Outfit
- Kouhi Garnet
- Kathleen G. Mason
- Kate or Kattie
- Ten
- Female
- Summer Fifth
- Workings gross, but Aunt Hannah makes me help her!
- Number the House
- ღ Pink Diamond
ღ Dresses
ღ Pink clothes
ღ Cats
ღ Rubies
ღ Sapphires
ღ Topaz
ღ Gems
ღ Fairytales
ღ Pranks
ღ Attempting to cook
ღ Being a proper lady
ღ Drawing
✔ Summer time
✔ Hot weather
✔ Stroms
✔ Boats
✔ Animals
✔ Heights
✔ Horse back rides
✔ Piggy back rides
✔ Swimming
✔ Getting Complements
✔ Ice Cream
✔ Hot Chocolate
✔ Hot Milk
✔ Tea
✔ Painting
✔ Exploring
✔ Pink Flowers
✔ Blue Flowers
✔ Making wreaths
✔ Letting her Aunt do her hair
- ☠ Falling off Horses
☠ Not getting her way
☠ All black clothing
☠ Working
☠ Veggies
☠ Spinach
☠ Fish
☠ Orange items
☠ Curry
✖ Pumpkin
✖ Idiots
✖ Pumpkin Pie
✖ Spiders
✖ Being told what to do
✖ Being told no
✖ Being called short
✖ Hair cuts
✖ Bad Hair cuts
✖ When her Aunt does her hair (lie)
✖ Boys her age
✖ Leaves in her hair
✖ Fire
✖ Chocolate
✖ School
✖ Purple Items
✖ Old Coins
Love Interest:
- Boys are gross
- Single
- My Aunt Hannah
- A cat named Lailic
- Kate is a hyper little girl who loves to be told she's cute. She's almost always happy. Her mother gave her something though. A short-temper and a hard head. Kate is stubborn and if she wants something she'll inform you of it and expect to get it. She's a little spoiled by her parents and doesn't really like her Aunt Hannah. Kate hates it when her Aunt Hannah refuses to let buy her something. She doesn't like her Aunt's dog but the animals seem to get along just fine. Kate also doesn't like the fact that her parents sent her to live with Aunt Hannah. So she's almost always happy and princess...ie...She likes to be treated like a princess. When she does get her way Kate will treat you like royalty.
Under her royal personalty where everything has to be done like a proper lady is a tomboy. Kate is just like Hannah when she was that age. Well somewhat anyways. She loves to get out in a forest and just explore and maybe poke a bug with a stick. She hides it though. After all she has to be a proper lady and marry someone nice. Like in her fairytale books. She doesn't like it when Aunt Hannah comes and helps her cook, but can't help but admire her Aunt's Lady like way of doing things...on her good days.
- There's not much to it. Kate is only ten after all. A week ago Kate's parents had let Aunt Hannah vist for a little while as she prepared to move to some place far away. During a converstation that Kate had seemed to miss it had been decided that Kate would go to live with Aunt Hannah for awhile to "Learn the value of a dollar." According to her dad. Kate had obviously protested because she was grounded for a week untill Aunt Hannah was fully packed and ready to leave. Needless to say this was going to be Kate's worse time of her life. Also Kate sorta hates her aunt now.