Hai!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE Left 4 Dead! I'm OBSESSED with it. Don't know what it is? Well....
Left 4 Dead is a zombie game. You have a team for four; Zoey, Bill, Francis and Louis.This game DEPENDS on teamwork. If you fall off a building-- your character will hold on. You NEED a teammate to come and pull you up. Eventually, you'll fall. If you get knocked down (incapped; immobilized on the ground), you NEED a teammate to come and help you up. Eventually, if no one helps you, you die.
Left 4 Dead (1)

Zoey is MY personal favorite.
After spending her first semester holed up a dorm room watching old horror movies, Zoey was given a choice: Stop fooling around and get her grades up, or drop out. Now that the planet's overrun with murderous zombies, and all her professors are dead, Zoey at least has the cold comfort that she's been studying up on the right subject after all.

It took two eventful yours in Vietnam, a handful of medals, a knee full of shrapnel, and an honorable discharge before the unthinkable happened: Bill ran out of wars.
But now army of infected undead has declared war among humanity. After decades of aimless drifting and dead-end jobs, Bill's finally got the only thing he wanted: An enemy to fight.

(Louis is famous for saying, "Pillz Here!" wink
Louia has been working up the courage to quit his job at Junior Systems Analyst at his company's IT department when a virus showed up and downsized the world. Now Louis has a new set of goals (live long enough to succeed) and a new set of tools (guns, sharp objects) to help him acheive them. With any luck, he'll figure out a new way of management operates before they get a chance to murder him.

Cocky, loud and pretty sure he's indestructible, Francis acts like the zombie apocalypse is the world's biggest bar fight. When the virus hit, everybody else stockpiled food and looked for a place to hide. Francis found a gun and had some fun. No cops, no laws, no order-if it wasn't for all the zombies, he could almost get used to life like this.
Special Infected
Yes. Special infected.
(Yes, there is normal zombies but i'm putting up specials.)

Don't startle the witch!
Witch's like to be left alone and have a good cry. They HATE flashlights and noises, but what they hate more if being shot. If you hear the witch's sad, lonely sobs, turn off those lights and try to walk around her. If she starts to get anger, her growl will warn you--she's close to attacking.

Did that thing just PUKE on me!?
The FAT, slow boomer vomits a thick bile with two side affects. It makes you blind, and it summons the horde. When boomer's are killed the explode--showering any near in boomer bile.

HELP!!! Get it off!!
Hunters follow their pray, ready to pounce at the right moment. When they pounce on you or a teammate, they start riping you apart. The only way to get a hunter off you is if a teammate shoots it, or hits it.

Help!! It's got me!!!
Smokers are long-range enemies. They usually stand on builds or on top of something. They lash out their long tongue to grab survivors. Once a survior is grabbed, there is some ways to get it off. Try to turn around and shoot it (if your captured) . A teammate can hit you to get the tounge off, our shoot the tounge/smoker. All smokers want to do is give you a tounge hug! YUCK! Once they've pulled you in, all the way to them, they start tearing your face apart. When you kill smokers, they blow up and black smoke is everywhere--enbaling the suviors to cough. It's not like Bill has lung cancer enough! He smokes a cirggerate through the whole game!

Tank is the strongest infected. It can throw a survivor and do a bunch of damage. It can throw things, the ground, logs, just about anything. You want your whole team to help out on this one. My advice? Try to be ninja. Dodge the tanks punches and throws. Strategy is good for killing tanks.
Tank = Zombie on steroids.
Left 4 Dead (2)
(I'll add in later!)
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