Who says KOS-MOS gets sole rights to the F-GSHOT Chainguns? [/domo]

Total Value: 1,823,390 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Sphere Sidekick
SDPlus #212 Juno Doll
Sexy Present (Valentines Day 2k9)
Diamond Galaxy Grav Boots
White Stockings
Red Bowtie
Dancer Collar
Diamond Galaxy Belt
Anima Adamantea 4th Gen.
Anima Adamantea 7th Gen.
Anima Adamantea 5th Gen.
Year of the Rabbit
Bunny Luv
Update Log
- Sometime before Thanksgiving Everything obtained--SHO-T-ELOS completed >w<
- 11/13/09: Purchased one Anima from Marketplace. Gold down to 9,343. Only one Anima to go before moving onto the Nano-Cs.
- 11/12/09: Valentines Day 2K9 item purchased. Only the Nano-C and Anima EIs remain.
- 11/08/09: KOS-MOS-style Bunny Shota outfit developed via TekTek.
That should pretty much explain what this entry's all about. After having nothing to do regarding my avi and after downloading a KOS-MOS model for UT2004 to have random botmatches with, I figured that this is as close to the F-GSHOT Chainguns and the rest of KOS-MOS' stuff we can get with current Gaia items...at least until the Gaia developers actually go ahead and make a full KOS-MOS set for our avis. Likely my most ambitious mission as of yet as the cost of this avi is pretty high up there. o.o
The hardest part will be having to obtain multiple Anima Adamantea and Nano-Cs. This wouldn't be so hard if not for only being able to equip stuff from EIs one at a time--otherwise I could just get one of each and equip all the stuff from there.