art s**t i would kick like 5 puppies for:
- Rory being menacing.
Jun lookin like a bamf with energy needles/orbs floatin around him
a good ref of 222. the masks aren't canon.
Kiel with monstrous evil-looking shadowy things surrounding him/coming out of his shadow/idk somethin cool
Madison with TVDog, creepy.
Gwen being batshit insane/creepy
Schrient in RAGEMODEEEE w/ his tail roaring and stuff
Josh on his knees, holding his head, freaking the ******** out
Tobias pointing his gun at the head of a rather frightened looking Leon
art s**t i'd kick a single puppy for:
- Gwen being bossed around/antagonized by Noel
Lavi licking pink jelly stuff off his fingers while surrounded by his creepy little insects
Rima smiling while holding up a hypodermic syringe or a scalpel, w/ blood on his coat
Rizel posing really ******** badass-like with Trident!Cleer
Marcel just doing something totally radical idk
Ditto smirking or something while surrounded by vines and huge flowers yeah idk
Tobias lookin like a bamf with his gun
art s**t i prob wouldnt kick a puppy for but it'd still be cool
writing stuff, there's no real tiers here just w/e:
- ChadxAtticus -- either funny, or just so completely out-of-character sappysad that it still ends up being funny
Leon, Jan, and Tobias doing something normal like going to a carnival or the movies, hilarity ensues stemming from leon not knowing how2earth
Rizel & Cleer interacting. Funny or sad or badass, whatever you want!
Gwen being bossed around/antagonized by Noel
Rima being cute and happy in the lab~ possibly while being an annoyance to Ren