Lets, see life with me
My father and I fixed my back brakes. (The pads were very worn, and this little thing that compresses to help break was leaking on one side. <- In the oh sh1T if I braked hard I don't think I'll stop in time. The other looked iffy, so father thought better to kill two birds with one stone, stich in time and all that jazz. Also, did the bleeding of the line. The fluid was rather cloudy brown, not the normal brake color of clear. Now it is clear is tan.
However, When I put the tire back down, I'd forgot to retighten the bolts and so I kind of almost really screwed up my car. So I knocked out two bolts that was bad, but I tightened the other three and made to my parents house. Lucky they did nto snap or it would have cost a whole lot more.
Oh, I was out of work, kind of, from the 2nd week of August to mid Oct, 15. Due to seasonal job drying up. (I was on call, and maybe worked six days in that time.) Issue with being oncall, you are not fired and you did not quit. I felt like limbo. I did at the start of October sit in the unemployment office for five hours, (No Joke), and talk to three people about the same thing.
(Waits to be called) 1st person: I was in the system so it needed to be reactivated. You need to talk to someone in that section. (Waits) 2nd person: Oh, first person needed you to set up a time to watch a video with another person. I'll set that up. It can be today in an hour or tommorrow morning (had class in the morning) (Waits and hour). Watch video talks hands over paper that I filled out. Tells, him I am already in the system from six months ago. He looked at me and said I did not need to fill that out. Leaves.
It was fun.
Most I'd get is about $200. From the time I started filling out the forms. I now worked at Tuesday Morning now. Very part time ~15 hours.
Meep-pa Community Member |
Community Member
*hug* I know a lot of people are having a lot of trouble finding work lately. sad