You know what's funny?
I don't think I could ever have another boyfriend besides him.
Connors great and all.
And Jordan's like my best friend!
Josh is so funny.
I've known Jonboy forever.
Matts cute.
Kyler is so sweet...
But nobody knows me and understands me like Kyle.
Kyle knows like everything I think about.
He knows all my mistakes.
I'm not afraid to tell him how I feel..
Because I don't care if he criticizes me or yells at me and makes me cry.
He just wants the better for me.
I know he loves me, and cares about me. I know he just wants to help and protect me from everything.
I wish Kindel and Vicky could realize that.
But they just don't understand.
I feel safe and warm just talking to him or thinking about him.
I remember thinking about him in class and giggling and then getting yelled at.
I had to come up with some nonsense to say I was giggling about.
I think everyone in that class thinks I'm crazy cause I always come up with some lame excuse as to why I'm laughing.
And I just think he's so cute and sweet it makes me smile.
I think he knows that I love him.
And if he hasn't realized it yet he's got some serious mental issues goin on in his brain.
I always thought about my perfect man as someone who could paint and dance and sing and was so artistic!
But now, I finally realize.
If he can't dance, who cares. We can jump around like idiots and laugh about it later.
And I don't care if he can't paint the Mona Lisa. He could draw me a stick figure riding a blob and I'd love it.
And hell I can't even sing!
I just want someone who makes me laugh, and who can keep me smiling even when I know everything in life is just blehh. He's always right next to me, rubbing my back and whispering it's okay.
I love him.
Nothing can change that.

I don't think I could ever have another boyfriend besides him.
Connors great and all.
And Jordan's like my best friend!
Josh is so funny.
I've known Jonboy forever.
Matts cute.
Kyler is so sweet...
But nobody knows me and understands me like Kyle.
Kyle knows like everything I think about.
He knows all my mistakes.
I'm not afraid to tell him how I feel..
Because I don't care if he criticizes me or yells at me and makes me cry.
He just wants the better for me.
I know he loves me, and cares about me. I know he just wants to help and protect me from everything.
I wish Kindel and Vicky could realize that.
But they just don't understand.
I feel safe and warm just talking to him or thinking about him.
I remember thinking about him in class and giggling and then getting yelled at.
I had to come up with some nonsense to say I was giggling about.
I think everyone in that class thinks I'm crazy cause I always come up with some lame excuse as to why I'm laughing.
And I just think he's so cute and sweet it makes me smile.
I think he knows that I love him.
And if he hasn't realized it yet he's got some serious mental issues goin on in his brain.
I always thought about my perfect man as someone who could paint and dance and sing and was so artistic!
But now, I finally realize.
If he can't dance, who cares. We can jump around like idiots and laugh about it later.
And I don't care if he can't paint the Mona Lisa. He could draw me a stick figure riding a blob and I'd love it.
And hell I can't even sing!
I just want someone who makes me laugh, and who can keep me smiling even when I know everything in life is just blehh. He's always right next to me, rubbing my back and whispering it's okay.
I love him.
Nothing can change that.