The world.(Not for those who enjoy the day to day)
So the day to day rolls around agian... Yay. I get to do what I do every other day just today it is a differnt day. So simply put why care about your today when you can care for some one elses tommorow? Find that and you might as well call yourself nice or kind but to keep it up is better. I am here to say that, "Life sucks, deal with it! Look here there are people who beg to just be able to read this to understand it and you want to complain about your day at your JOB/SCHOOL then you go home or the library and get on a computer, Way to go. Bet you feel great. Now think about this that homeless guy that just smudged your cars clean window or that kid that no one talks to you bumbs into you at school and you don't know but neither one of them is in a stable enviorment! If you are reading this you are on a computer. Now next time that the homeless guy cleans your car give him something. Or that kid, TALK TO HIM!" That is it I make the day to day a mission to teach that every one deserves a friend so be one first.