Chelsea, A girl who once went to a private school, where she was highly fashionable, and was the most popular girl in the school. She absolutely loved her life. One day, she met Natalie, a farm girl. Despite her "disgusting cow smell and bad fashion sense", the girls became good friends. Natalie invited Chelsea to come along on a boat ride with her family. Chelsea agreed, expecting a luxury cruise. But what she didn't expect was the boat getting caught in a storm and crashing onto a deserted island in the middle of the ocean! Chelsea had to learn how to farm and raise animals in order to survive on the island, and soon, got into the habit with help from Natalie and her family. Soon, other people moved onto the island, which includes alot of cute boys. Chelsea has her eye on one of them in particular, a stern boy named Vaughn... Chelsea is hard-working, and she never gives up until she reaches her goals. She also tends to be stubborn, has a short temper, and can be a bit of a flirt.

Hey there I'm ;;[Maxum Brown]
Isn't it obvious? ;; [female]
I want presents! ;; [May 15, 14 years.]
All work and no play [hunter/farmer]
Home Sweet Home [Waddas house]
I am not short! ;;[4.10 1/2"]
Not overweighted either! ;;[134lbs.]
Aah, excuse me ;;
✖ [Understanding]
✖ [Sensitive]
✖ [moody]
✖ [cat like]
✖ [boyish]
I can't live without <3 ;;
✖ [Shea]
✖ [Wilderness]
✖ [Sivilization]
✖ [animals]
✖ [people]
These I can live without </3 ;;✖ [Hunters]
✖ [Jerks]
✖ [Weeds]
✖ [Theafs]
✖ [people]
Keep a secret? ;;[Shea

I randomly pick a color ;;[Blue]
Sadly, I'm -sort of- a robot ;;[Daddys Elegant Princesss]
I forgot! [Maxum was just a kid when her boat became shipwrecked on some deserted island. She and her parents where city folk and had never gotten a chance to embrace the outdoors. They where only there for a little over 4 months when her mother fell ill with some kind of poison… She and her father worked furiously to help her get well, but within the week, her mother passed…Maxum seamed to be able to go on rather well, but her father on the other hand was depressed…One month after the death, Maxum’s father was hiking in the woods, teaching Maxum about the different sighs of nature when a loose rock slipped from under him and plunged him into the sea. This time Maxum took it hard. She started to love in the woods, trying with all her might to catch fish and kill animals. One knight someone was watching her from the shadows. Maxum, unaware of the intruder, jumped into the river after a fish. Swimming deep down and grasping it with her teeth. When she surfaced, she was face to face with what looked like an Indian boy with golden brown spiked hair, wearing some sort of animal skin, and odd tattooed stripes on his face and arms. She gasped and the fish fell from her mouth. This made the boy laugh and he thrust his knife into the water behind Maxum. “cat” he said and he jumped into the water and swam up to Maxum with dark mysterious brown eyes. “no cat!” he said with a look of wander. “IM A GIRL!” Maxum shot at him. “girl? Me Shea.” He said and held out his hands “I’m Maxum.” She said, taking his hands. He pushed her back and stood up in the freezing water, “you no, no how hunt!” he said confidently as he waked over to where his knife had landed and picked it up. Maxum gasped and she saw that he had gotten her fish. “come!” Shea said “you live me and Wada. We show you how to hunt.” And with that he grabbed her hand and lead her into the brush. Leaving no trace that they had ever been there.]