I will not be opening another artshops, too stressful. I will be taking private commissions so comment here or pm me about it.
Prices vary depending on style and detail.
Status: ON HOLD!!!! I have so many pm's about art requests, I haven't even read most of them yet.
[♥Teeny Animated pixels♥]
[♥Normal; blinking♥]-4k

[♥Floating on a moon♥]-3k

Plushies, pets, accessories are 100g each.
[♥Cheeky Chibi♥]
[♥Chibi Headshot♥]- 8-15k depending on detail and dificulty of avi

More examples to come<3
[♥Normal avi art♥]
[♥headshot, torso, full body♥]- Bribe me (preferebly over 15k); price will dependn detail, size, and dificulty of avi

♥♥Hey! I have an order♥♥
♥Other Username(s):
♥Avi Art/Oc/Fan art?:
♥Teeny tiny chibi, cutesy chibi, or normal full body:
♥Reference Image:
♥Final Price:
♥Other Username(s):
♥Avi Art/Oc/Fan art?:
♥Teeny tiny chibi, cutesy chibi, or normal full body:
♥Reference Image:
♥Final Price:
[align=center]♥[u][b][color=black]♥Hey! I have an order♥[/color][/b][/u]♥
♥[color=lightskyblue][u]Other Username(s):[/u][/color]
♥[color=lightskyblue][u]Avi Art/Oc/Fan art?:[/u][/color]
♥[color=lightskyblue][u]Teeny tiny chibi, cutesy chibi, or normal head shot/torso/ full body:[/u][/color]
♥[color=lightskyblue][u]Reference Image:[u][/color]
♥[color=lightskyblue][u]Final Price:[u][/color][/align]
♥[color=lightskyblue][u]Other Username(s):[/u][/color]
♥[color=lightskyblue][u]Avi Art/Oc/Fan art?:[/u][/color]
♥[color=lightskyblue][u]Teeny tiny chibi, cutesy chibi, or normal head shot/torso/ full body:[/u][/color]
♥[color=lightskyblue][u]Reference Image:[u][/color]
♥[color=lightskyblue][u]Final Price:[u][/color][/align]
Community Member
O; I'd buy that.