*in character! (written as if it were happening right then)
I just came back from visiting the forum and found out about a very interesting journal entry. That of Teddy. well, being surprised that Teddy is actually literate, i decided to take a peek for myself. I ventured over in the dead of night, on this night when he wasn't in his quarters and found his journal laying open on the table, with some scribbles of crayon left by the twins, tev and tav. I was shocked and appalled by what I read! and even worse, I have opened a gateway for him to get to Kaz! gonk
No this can't be true!
what have I done?
If that isn't bad enough, what teddy said was true...I did call him a monster and i showed myself to be one...
oh God what have i done?
I can't see a way to make this right other than keeping myself under control and keeping teddy away from Kaz as long as I can. But as long as he doesn't really know where the bottle came from, I guess i have kept at least one promise...
The others need to know. How to tell them? Steal the journal? hmm...teddy will most definitly find out then...
I hear footsteps approaching, I must hide! no time to flee!
teddy enters his room, i hide in the bathroom, in the towel closet. I hear him enter the bathroom, whistling to himself and muttering what seems to be nonsense...I hear the shower turn on and I pray that he doesn't need in the closet. I wait in suspense...hardly breathing...
he steps in the shower and closes the curtain or whatever it is called to his shower. i quietly open the door when he starts to sing to himself (what does he have to be happy about? oh right...the journal *wince*) and even more quietly bolt out on tippy-toes as fast as one can go while being completely silent. i close his quarter's door as softly as i can and then high tail it back home as if an incredible demon was chasing me.
what his journal says haunts me still...I'm the monster sweatdrop ...Kaz's weakness... sad
NO, what have i done?! gonk
violet_rampage · Sat Aug 29, 2009 @ 06:11am · 2 Comments |