Full Name: Chi Meghan Elise Palacio
Aliases: Healing Waters of the Gotei 13
Nickname: Chai Tea, Chii
Actual Age: Two Thousand, Eight Hundred, Nineteen.
Appearance Age: Twenty
Date of Birth: March 10, 1462
Date of Death: March 12, 1482
Origin of Birth: Dublin, Ireland
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Irish. European.
Species: Shinigami ( Human Soul )
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Height: 6'8" ft.
Weight: 145 lbs.
Division: 4
Seat: Captain
Reiatsu Color: Light Pink
Shinigami Uniform Changes
Shitagi: Standard Issue. Colored Pink.
Kosode: Standard Issue. Colored Black.
Hakama: Standard Issue. Colored Black.
Hakama-himo: Standard Issue. Colored Pink.
Tabi: Standard Issue.
Waraji: Standard Issue.
Haori: A soft cream color, made of incredibly soft material, yet durable. Long and flowing sleeves.
Extra Changes or additions: Chi rarely wears the uniform. She is usually found in lolita-esque outfits.
Zanpakuto Name: Kouryou { Rain Dragon }
Zanpakuto Spirit: { x }
Zanpakuto Spirit True Form: { x}
Zanpakuto World:{ x}
Zanpakuto Spirit's History: Kouryou, the Rain Dragon, soared above the clouds, bringing rain to those who needed it most. Her waters brought salvation and healing unto the land. Despite her frightening appearance, Kouryou was the most gentle of all of her kind. Even today, she brings healing and salvation to those who need it most.
Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance: { x }
Release Command: "Rain Down Salvation, Kouryou!"
Shikai: ( Obtained )
Shikai Appearance: { x }
Shikai Ability: Kouryou materializes as her full dragoness appearance. Standing at a frightening 3 stories high with massive black wings, claws, and fangs, she is mostly used for defense and transportation. She is able to spew water from her mouth, although it is a healing water that will heal almost any wound. Kouryou will only obey Chi through her touch.
Healing Waters: Kouryou is able to spew healing waters from her mouth that will heal almost any wound.
Baknai: ( Obtained )
Bankai Name: Kouryou Shashu { Rain Dragon Archer }
Bankai Appearance: { x }
Bankai Ability: Taking the legendary bow of Kouryou, water will obey Chi's touch and command. Not only water, but ice and water vapor. The bow itself is able to shoot incredibly powerful arrows formed from Reiatsu, much like a Quincy's bow, but much more powerful.
One Thousand Tears: Condensing a large amount of water into the shape of an arrow, and shooting it through the bow of Kouryou, it splits up into a thousand ice, water, and vapor arrows, making it an utterly unavoidable attack.
Regenerate: Using the water and reiatsu around them, Kouryou will absorb the water and heal all of Chi's wounds. This can only be used with huge amounts of water, and using it more than once is a death wish.
o1. - Sai ("Obstruction" )
o2. -Tsume no Neko ("Claw of the Cat" )
o4. -Hainawa (Crawling rope)
o7. -Aegu ("Breathe Hard" )
o8. -Seki (Repulse)
o9. -Geki ("Strike" )
o17. -Mabukani ("Over the Eyes" )
o19. -Ori ("Cell" )
o26. -Kyakko (Curving Light)
o27. -Kaifuu ("Breaking The Seal" )
o30. -Shitotsu Sansen (Beak-Piercing Triple Beam)
o34. -Hainawa ("Crawling Rope" )
o37. -Tsuriboshi (Suspending Star)
o39. -Enkosen (Arc Shield)
o43. -Okkakeru ("Chasing Someone" )
o47. -Eimin ("Eternal Sleep" )
o49. -Idenchizu ("Genetic Mapping" )
o51. -Masshoushinkei Soutei ("Peripheral Nerve Joining" )
o55. -Kyomon ("Mirror Door" )
o57. -Anpu Maki ("Amplify Volume" )
o58. -Kakushitsuijaku (Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows)
o61. - Rikujokoro ("Six Rods Prison of Light" )
o62. - Hyapporankan (百歩欄干, Hundred Steps Fence)
o75. -Gochutekkan ( Quinet of Iron Pillars)
o77. -Tenteikura ( Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken air)
o81. -Danku (Splitting Void)
o99. -Kin (Seal, Part 1)
o99. -Bankin (Great seal,Part 2)
o4. -Byakurai ("White Lightning" )
o6. -Tachioyogi - ("Treading upon water" )
o28. -Hyohihou ("Snow Ice Gun" )
o44. -Konsui ("Dead Sleep" )
o46. -Masukingu no Gizensha ("Masking of the Lamb's Skin" )
o48. -Chuumitsu No Aonisai Nikutai Ken Hone ( "Thickening of the Neophite Flesh and Bone" )
o50. - Hagitoru no Ukiyo ("Stripping of Life" )
Extra Skills: Shunpo (Flash Step)
Extra Weapon(s) or Items: Chi hold a first-aid kit with her at all times. Within are several things to do quick operations or stitch wounds that cannot be healed with kidou.
Personality: Kind and gentle to all, even enemies. She believes within a second chance, and it is very very rare for anyone to see her angry. Her anger, when provoked, is beyond that of frightening. It is said to be legendary, and her wrath is never incurred. Chi knows and loves all of her comrades, especially her division. She is usually thought of as the definition of pure.
Human World Appearance: None.
Human World Occupation: None.
b]Hobbies: Sewing, Making Tea, Painting, Singing.
Personal Skills: Creating lolita-esque outfits. Hosting tea parties. Singing and painting.
Favorite Food: Fruit Tart.
Favorite Drink: Chai Tea. And Guinness.
Least Favorite Food: None.
Likes: Cute fluffy things. Chai Tea. Tea Cups. Frilly dresses. Fishnets.
Dislikes: Insensitivity. Being Told Someone Is Evil.
Hates: Being Called Childish.
Relatives: None.
Biography Before Death: Meghan was a horribly ugly looking girl. At least, everyone told her so. She went through her life, poor and hungry. She grew up on the streets, and her parents were killed when she was only ten. She knew the meaning of pain. She knew the meaning of misery. She sold herself for money, and eventually found a small home where she began work as a seamstress. She fell in love with the beautiful dresses the elegant ladies wore, and wished dearly to have them for herself one day.
It was one fateful rainy day when she met the love of her life. A handsome English man. She was madly in love at first sight. They talked, they walked, and within six months, they were engaged. Upon the day of their wedding, early in the rainy morning, the door was kicked down by her raving fiance. She was confused, and tried to calm him down. He screamed at her, called her a whore, and threw her against a wall. He had found out about how she grew up, being a prostitute on the streets. She sobbed and begged for forgiveness, but to no avail. He dragged her by the hair outside and tied her to a pole. The river overflowed and there was a flood, where she drowned.
Biography After Death:
When she awoke in the streets of Rukogani, she was in the shallow river water. She had long luxurious white, blond locks, porcelain skin, and sparkling amber eyes. She felt young again and saved, and could only remember small parts of her former life. She was taken in by a young women, where she was taught how to sew all over again. She took up painting and singing as well those days and found herself happier than she could ever have been. One day, she stumbled upon some beautiful fabric and created her first lolita-esque ensemble. As she wore it around the town when she shopped, she was admired by many many people, and was quickly pulled into the public opinion as one of the most lovely creatures around. A man from the Gotei 13 stumbled upon her one day, and told her that she should follow him. She did as he asked, and it was there that she discovered the massive amounts of reaitsu that she had within her. She was immediately put into the Academy with a change of name, Chi.
Soul Reaper Academy:
She was highly admired within the Academy, although she kept her long hair and frilly outfits, the teachers still loved her. With her pure and gentle attitude, there wasn't a soul within the Academy that couldn't adore her. Her skill with the sword was adequate, but her kidou control was simply amazing. Especially her skill with anything medical or healing. It was before anyone else that she met her Zanpaktou's spirit and was revealed things about her past. She treasured life dearly, and decided that day to become the head of the fourth division. It was only a few weeks later she was invited to join the fifth squad, which she accepted.
Division Life:
At first a part of the fifth squad, Chi excelled beyond expectation. Although she did not know much Hado, their power was incredible. As for her Bakudo, it was unmatchable. Her skill in swordsmanship improved dramatically as well, being trained by those within the 11th squad that loved her pure and gentleness. It was then that she made a push to join the 4th squad, as was finally accepted as a member.
Things were tough, and the Captain was unforgiving, but Chi managed to win the hearts of her comrades, and those she treated. However, it was that one fateful day that the Lieutenant called her childish. He told her she didn't have the skill, and she should go on home to mommy and her boyfriends, being the whore she was. She snapped. She fought the Lieutenant as if he were an enemy, using all her strength and skill against him. It was an incredibly match, only rivaled by Division Captains being pitted against one another. She fought to the death, but was stopped before she could kill him. The Captain stepped in as she stood over the Lieutenant's bleeding body, ready to cast Hagitoru no Ukiyo. When Chi realized what had transpired, she grew deeply depressed. Hiding away in her small room, singing softly and busying herself with hobbies, she wasn't seen for around five months. It wasn't until the Captain finally burst into her room and convinced her that she hadn't done anything wrong that Chi finally rejoined the 4th Division with a new vigor. She replaced the old lieutenant shortly afterward, and took the seat of Captain when he died a few hundred years later. She has been the Head of the Fourth Division ever since.