Total Value: 4,764,578 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Winged Anklets
Angelic Pendant
Gold Promise Ring
Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)
Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)
Lovely Genie Double Gold Earrings
Gold Pince Nez heart
Slate Jeans
Fremere's Guard
Nartian Star
Golden Sparkles
M Gaia Tshirt
Angelic Mood Bubble
Staff of the Angels
Angelic Manner

Total Value: 461,124 Gold, 189,400 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Kodiac Grizzly Bear Slippers
Brass Raving Goggles
Card Shark Bands
Black Kiseru
Brown And Black Reversible Bracelets
Tan Peasant Gloves
Idiot Hair
The Nightmare 4th Gen.
Nitemare Sash
Coal Tavern Wench's Cincher
Spartan Chest Guard
Pinstripe Saloon Girl Stockings
Demonic Style
Uncanny Form

Total Value: 402,152 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Leather Tavern Wench's Cincher
Iced Sugarplum Puff Sleeves
Kodiac Grizzly Bear Slippers
Thick Pink Winter Socks
À la Fondue
Cream Tam Beret
Neapolitan Sash (Vanilla)
Buttercream Rose
Pink Ribbon Skirt
Dragon and Kai (in heaven)

Total Value: 1,086,164 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dark Halo
Lovely Genie Red Belly Gem
Used Chainsaw
Brown And Black Reversible Hair Pins
Red And Maroon Reversible Bracelets
Those Black 90s Gloves
Red And Maroon Reversible Hair Pins
The Case of Pietro
GO Phones
Studded Leather Collar
Black Nosey Face Tattoo
Verizon Glasses
Jackster Face Paint
SDPlus #67 Anurla Doll
Dander 4th Gen.
Sexy Present (Valentines Day 2k9)
The Lusty Scoundrel

Total Value: 2,536,791 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Pink Ribbon Skirt
Lazer High Tek Sandal
White Daruma Doll
Candy Pink Sweet Lace Blouse
Leather Tavern Wench's Cincher
Y Paddle
Dancer Cuffs
Melonpan of Haruharu (headband)
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
strike through = has
heart = donated