Master Shan's vampire book, Cirque Du Freak is finally a moive! It comes out on the 23rd of October. I need to save up money to see it on opeing day XD I'm lucky as all hell that its on a Friday night too! One, because its at night, two I couldn't see it if it was on a school night. Anywho if you want to see the trailer, well look at my profile. I need money! I need $62 to go and see Green Day in concert. If not win tickets, the last time they were here, I was one caller off from winning. crying Ugh I have a few ideas on how I can make money before the 15th, but I wonder if I can get that much money in time. All I need are two tickets and I'll be fine. So I'm gonna draw a few more avatars and finish the list of ideas I want to get done before school starts. Well I think thats all for now.
vanchaswolfcub · Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 05:55pm · 0 Comments |