Chapter 63: (Kaname's View) A Brother's Love
Fight. A simple word and action. Everyone knew what it meant to have little squabbles with people, but at the palace it was a way of life. It was the life between my youngest sister and our father. It had not been the first time my sister, and father had fought. They had actually used to be so close when we were all littler, but sense our mothers death...they're relationship went to hell. It seemed like you could hardly go one day without them getting in a fight with one another. Sometimes it seemed like only yesterday that mom was still here, and Melissa and father had been close. But in truth it had been ten years sense she had died. My sister had only been 5 and was (and always would be) the youngest of our siblings. Had our mother lived she would of given birth to a baby boy, and Melissa would only have to be the youngest daughter of the children in our family, and our baby brother would of been the youngest of the sons. Melissa had changed so much in the time our mother died. Everyone had always said Melissa had been exactly like mother. And I saw how she was...everyday. You couldnt deny her as being our mothers child. But sometimes, sense our mothers death, it was hard to see her as being like mom. And it sometimes seemed it was getting harder too. Melissa had taken our mothers death the hardest of all of us. Partly because she was the youngest, and at the age she had been at the time of moms death, she had a hard time of comprehending the concept of death....and the life of not having a mother. I missed the old days when mom was still around sometimes too, and when Melissa was still happy and innocent child (she had always been innocent in my opinon). I remembered so well...the day she'd been born. I remembered that night all to well. Mom waking up during the night, in the late stages of pregnancy and due anytime now, feeling horrible pains. And her screaming...waking us all up. When we rushed in to see what was wrong she simply said she needed a doctor, and we understood immediatly. Father had made us wait outside the room while she gave birth. I had remembered my brother Zero (who was born a year after I was) making the comment on how our mother had given birth to eight of us already, and yet she was screaming her head off giving birth to Melissa, saying you'd think she would of been used to the pain already. As I was a boy I would never understand the kind of pain a mermaid (the female's of the merfolk race) felt went they were giving birth. It took about three hours before our mothers screams had stopped, and we'd heard a new screaming cry. One of baby girl...that was Melissa. We'd all been excited to see our new sister, and when father said we could come in the room, my other siblings (6 girls one other brother, Zero) practlly ran (or swam in the case of us being merfolk) at the chance, while I acted like a gentlemen (despite how badly I wanted to see my new baby sister), and swam in quitly, and politly (which father said was a very good gesture). Seeing mother in the bed like she was, was hard (she had been red in the face, and sweaty from all the work she had to do to give birth to Melissa), but she didn't seem tierd though she looked like she was. All my sisters and brothers had sat down on the bed to see our new sister, whom our mother held in her arms, wrapped in a blanket. She motioned me over, and I instantly loved my new sister as soon as I saw her. She had had brown hair on her head, suggesting her hair was brown, but suddenly it had changed to pink hair, and we were confused. Come to learn in later years she could change her hair color and style, as well as her tail, and eye (she'd been born with brown eyes, and a pink tail [she only changed her tail color once and then after always kept it pink afterwords]) color at will.
But sitting there on the bed with my parents, and siblings, looking at our baby sister we knew we were truely a family now. When I'd first seen my sister she'd had brown fuzz on her head (till it changed to pink), and her eyes were closed as she lay huddled in moms arms under the blanket wrapped around her. Mom let each of us hold her, as long as we were gentle with her. Zero was the one she liked to mess with as a baby too. They kind of a have pick on one another releationship as siblings. When he held her, I remember her opening her eyes a little, and slapping him in the face as she tried to reach for his hair. Heh heh! She couldn't (like all babys when there first born) open there eyes very much. Melissa out of all of us had been known for tiering out the quickest. Melissa didn't do much in our sisters arms. She did seem scared of us all a little, having no general idea who we were. Durning the time she was inside mom, mom would let us feel her womb where Melissa was when she kicked, and because of this Melissa seemed to know when who was feeling around for her, which helped in her being a little less scared of us. When I finally got my turn to hold her, I was as gentle as I could be. She seemed to like me the most out of all of the siblings. When she laid in my arms she did give a small sound that sounded like a giggle, and reached her tiny hands out of her blanket for me, but she was so helpless as a newborn she couldn't really strech her arms (so I ended up taking her hand into mine myself). She didn't let me hold it long though. She finally got tierd and gave a yawn, and snuggled close to me under her blankets (causing all of us to go "awww" wink , and fell asleep again. Sometimes I wished I could go back to that time. But all I had were my memories of that time. I couldn't control it. I, even so, wished to relive the days when mom was alive, and our family was complete and happy. Before our mother's death we'd all been close, but after she was gone we weren't (made me think what she would think of us now after all that happened). Melissa became depressed, and often threw tantrums (not spoiled royal princess like ones). She'd cry for mom (who was gone), and she refused to let us help her because we weren't mom. She would cry, scream, kick, etc; anything. Melissa was affected the most out of all of us. Some would say she'd become a spoiled brat. We knew the problem though: she wanted our mom. Melissa had the hardest time accepting moms death, as well as going through many changes. She'd become less close to us, but still remaind close to me as always. It pretty much ended with Melissa being replaced with a different Melissa. If you'd seen her before mom's death, you wouldn't see her as the same girl today.
But as I'd said before: Fighting was a way of life between my youngest sister, Melissa, and father, King Triton. Fighting had becaome a way of life sense our mother's death. And, belive it or not, they were at it again. Melissa had been out exploring sunken ship's again. That part didn't bother him. Fact was Melissa had swam up to the surface to ask a segall named skuttell (who flew around the surface world all the time) what the humas did with the items she'd found! That's what had them bitching at each always. I stood watching the fight. "You could of been seen. You could of been captured...or even killed! Do you have any idea how serious this is?!" Father yelled. "Nothing happened!" Melissa shot backed. "You know it's dangerous!" Father argued. "I'm 15 now! You can't keep treating me like a child!" Melissa retored. She left the room, steaming. She's never going to listen. I thought. One of her many traits was stubborness, and attitude. Both of which she got from our mom. and the part where she was always out exploring sunken ships was her want for adventure (she had a curious nature), which she also got from mom (you see why you can't deny her being our moms child) well as her emotionlness. It was probably best to leave her be for now. Let her blow off some steam. When we went to check on her later she was asleep in bed. Zero tried to shack her awake, only to result in getting slapped. We left her be again. Later (again) when we did again, she wasn't in her room. We searched all over, but found no trace of her, or Flounder and Susbation (who had vanished as well). Father had ordered everyone to search for them. To leave no stone unturned. No one was sleep till she was found, and brought home. All my sisters (sometimes just refered to by others simply as "The Daughters of Triton" [because our mom was gone our mom's name was rarely mention in the title]), Zero, and me all gathered in my room to discuss the situation. We had all agreed that she must of run away because she was tierd of dad treating her like a baby, etc. "But where could she have gone?" Asked our oldest sister. "She couldn't of left the water! She would of dried out without water! and if sailors caught her, then she's-" Zero said. My sisters screamed, tearing up, and huddling together. I slapped Zero upside the head. "Don't talk like that!" I shouted. "she's fine. I'm sure wherever she is she's safe, and warm." I assured my sisters. "I hope she comes home soon." Said Arista. "Just look at the state it's put dad in." Dad had become worried. Beyond worried. He couldn't believe his fight with Melissa had lead her to do this...of all things! Running (swimming in our case) away! "DAMN IT!" Zero shouted, punching the wall. "I can't believe she did this! ever sense mom died she's been like this: distant & rebellious! Now she's gone missing, we're all worried, and she doesn't even give a s**t!" My other siblings had nothing to say, but I did. "You know as well as I do, Zero, that it's hard for Melissa to accept mom's gone!" I snapped. "It's been ten years! Besides it was hard for all of us!" Zero said. "Yes it's been ten years, and yes, it was hard for all of us!" I said. "But Melissa was the youngest when she died. And at that age she was, it was hard to understand the meaning of death, or having to live without a mom! Out of all of us, Melissa was the closest to mom!" Zero was also stubborn, but his stubborness lead him to over react unlike Melissa. He got his stubborness from our father. Suddenly my sister Aquata burst into tears. "I want Melissa! I want my little sister!" She cried. I gave her a hug. "We all do. She's fine. I'm sure." I said.
 We went to our rooms for the night. I looked out my bedroom window gloomy thinking of my sister. I had no clue where she could have gone. I deeply wished, though, wherever she was, she was safe and warm. I then sat on my bed, looking at photos taken through the years. I smiled as I chocked back tears on the ones with our mom in it. Once I got passed those, and into the ones taken after mom died, I began to see the chagne in Melissa. After the one's with mom, she no longer smiled or laughed. Instead she alwasy looked upset, and tearful (in some of them she was actually crying). Others she looked angry, and irritated (she had her arms crossed across her chest in some). Some there was a small smile...that was fake, and not from the heart. I hadn't seen her smile in so long. It was rare for her to. Sometimes I wondered if Melissa was chroniclly depressed. If she was actually suffering from depression. And not the kind that comes, and go's like a passing blue mood. If that was the case, then it had started back when we had lost our mom. I wouldn't know for sure if that's when it started or not though. That was when the majority of it started though. Melissa may of been close to me, but she wasn't much for talking about her problems. Tiny, and sometimes mild problems, sure, but otherwise no. I started drifting off, still thinking about my little sister. "Oh, Melissa, where are you?" I said. As I turned out my bedroom light, and got under the covers to go to sleep, I kept trying to picture my baby sister right this minute. I kept picturing her lost, and scared, with no clue how to get home. I could see her crying, and curled up in a ball, terrafied. No! I couldn't think that! Melissa may be fragile, and scared, but she wasn't that scared. "She's safe, and warm wherever she is." I said. I could only hope she'd turn up soon. I lay there in my bed staring at the cieling in the dark...waiting for sleept to hit me. I was worried. Almost to worried to sleep. I turned over inthe bed, and looked at a picture of me and Melissa on my bedside table. She had her arms around me (as in a hug), while we were laughing and smiling. Sense our mom had died, I was the only one who understood her. Our relationships were easy to figure out. Our father, and Melissa obviously always fought. Melissa and my sisters were complete opposites. My sisters were really girly, while Melissa was more adventures, and less girly. Melissa and Zero were always picking on each other, like he did with our other sisters (he always teased Melissa about her always keeping her hair pink). Then me, and Melissa. We were always close. She always came to me about her problems (mild or small)...always (before and after our moms death). But before our mom's death, we'd all been close. Happy. Slowly sleep crept over me, and I drifted off.
"Kaname! Kaname!" Melissa's voice cried. I jerked up in my bed. "Melissa!" I cried. She couldn't be! There was no way! "Kaname!" Melissa's cries answered. I ripped my bedcovers off of me, and swam to the door of my room, and swung it open. But- no! She couldnt' be! There was no way! "Kaname!" She cried. It sounded like her. I swam as fast as I could down the hallways towards Melissa's room. "Melissa!" I exclaimed. If she was back...then when did she? It was early in the morning. Two o' clock in the morning! "Kaname!" Her voice cried again. I burst through the door to Melissa's dark room, and turned the light on. "Melissa!" I cried. But she wasn't there. My little sister still hadn't returned. My baby sister's room remained the way she left it. "You to." Someone said. I turned around to find Zero in the doorway. "Zero! mean you heard Melissa to?" I asked. "Yeah. I heard her screaming for me." He said. "I heard her screaming 'Kaname'." I said. We'd both heard her, but it'd all been in our heads. She'd never been calling for us. We'd just thought she had. "You guys to..." We turned to the door again to find our six sisters there. "You guys heard her crying each of your names to?" I asked. They nodded. We all turned to look at our baby sister's room. It seemed so empty without Melissa in it. Atlantica wasn't even home without her. "I keep picturing her lost, cold, scared...and hungry." Zero said. "No clue how to get home, all alone...crying for us." Said Attina. "She must be so scared out there all alone." Adrina said. "Cold, hungry." Said Adella. "Helpless." Alana said. "you guys are still up?" Our father's voice asked. "Father?" I said, all of us turning to him "We..we thought we heard Melissa crying for us." Aquata said. "Daddy where's my baby sister!?" Arista cried, throwing herself in our father's arms. "Aren't there any clues to where she is?!" Dad hugged her as she cried into his chest. "There's still no sign of her." Our father said. "there still searching." But what if she doesn't want to be found? I thought. "She can't be gone for good. I mean...she's our sister...our baby sister, and your daughter, father. She loves us even if she's angry at us. And she needs us. She'll come back...right?" I said. My father simply nodded, and he left to do some thinking. "Face it, Kaname. Everything Melissa's done sense mom died has torn this family appart." Zero said. "Melissa is young, and needs guidence! She's like mom! Adventure's, and spontaneous! We all know why she's like this now: moody and depressed! Because she doesn't have her mother! We don't have a mother! she's been hurt thousands of times! She's crying for help! And her cries aren't being answered!" I shot back. I left for my room, leaving the others to there throughts. I slammed the door as I went in my room. Was I the only one in our family (besides our descesed mother) who payed attention to Melissa!? who saw her pain?! Who heard her cries of help?! At the moment, forgive me mother, I was ashamed to call anyone in this palace my family! Honestly at the moment it seemed like Melissa was the only family I had (excluding my mom who was descesed) right now. I climbed into bed again. Right now I saw more reasons why Melissa ran away, besides our father. She felt ignored, and tierd of her cries being ignored by everyone but me. She hated being treated like a baby. She hated life here period. "Oh mom. What do I do? She's got to be somewhere. Give me a sign. Where's by little sister?" I asked. I hoped my mother could hear me up there in heaven. She'd know what to do. She always knew how to handle Melissa because they were so much alike. But, in truth, and unfortunatly, mom wasn't here. My sister was missing, and we had no clue where she was. I remembered after mom died when Melissa got scared from nightmares at night she wouldn't go to mom and dad's room to sleep with them. She would come to me. Because it was really mom that made her feel better, but I also could. So she'd come to me and sleep with me for the night so she wouldn't be scared anymore. Sleep started creeping over me again. I would hope they would find her soon, and she'd be back tomarrow.
It had been a few days sense Melissa vanished, and nothing had changed. She hadn't returned, and everyone was worried and still searching for her. Father was more worried then the first day she vanished. We all were. Atlantica just seemed lifeless without Melissa. Much like it did for a time without our mother after she died. I had begun searching around the sea for my sister as well as the days went by. With no success in finding any trace of her. And, yet, no matter how helpless it seemed I kept pushing. I refused to think my sister was gone for good. I refused the assume the worst. My baby sister wasn't gone for good...and she wasnt' dead either. She was alive and safe! She would be found! I would see my baby sister again! I woke up earliey in the morning and started looking for her. I spent hours calling out her name with no luck. But I couldn't give up. She was my little sister, and I loved her. She needed her big brother (pretty much the only one in the family that payed attention to her). When I headed back to the palace I found a rock that lead into a cave. If the rock was moved just right then it'd hide the entrence. I wonder... I thought swimming for the cave. Maybe Melissa hadn't gone far from the palace. Maybe she was hidding in this cavern. I ventured into the dark cavern. "Melissa!" I called out. I got no responce other then my echo. I kept going. If she wasn't answering it was because she didn't want to be found. Soon I emerged from the dark, and found a circular room. It was full of items to. Or what was left of items. Most of these items didn't look like they were made in Atlantica though. I looked a little closer, and then realized these were items from the human world. One's Melissa had found, and collected. All my little sisters treasures... destoryed. But she couldn't have done it. She loved these items. So I knew she wouldn't of destoryed them. Then it pretty much slapped me across the face, and knocked me off my tail. This was the major reason Melissa had run away. Our father had destoryed her treasures! All because she had gone to the surface! I wasn't sure what to think. Melissa had worked for years just to get these items...and now they were gone because of our father! Our father had taken one of the most presuese and one of the one things that made Melissa happy away from her. My sister...hated...our father because of this! But where could she have gone now. Obviously as far away from here as possible but where could she of gone now. I sat down on the rock in the middle of the room to think. I placed my head in the palms of my head, as tears leaked out. I couldn't help it. this was the reason she was gone. I knew my father was prone to over reacting...but this seemed...way over extreme. "Kaname!" I heard someone cry. I ignored the cries. I needed to think. I didn't want to be distracted. "Kaname!" The cries came again. "Don't tell me you've gone missing to!" Ugh. "IN HERE!" I shouted. "Kaname, there you are! Wait...what's wrong?" I heard my sisters, and brother ask. I looked up. "This is why...this is why she ran away. Father destoryed her treasures! Her treasure trove of all her human items." I said pointing around the room, as I looked at them firiously. "Seems he went more then over board. This is more then extreme." Zero said. "And All because she went up to the surface." I added. "She worked hard for years to get these items...and now...GONE! ALL BECAUSE OF OUR FATHER!" They just stared at me. "She treasured these items. She loved them like a child. She worked for years to get it...and now...there gone! (Forgive me mother) I'M ASHAMED TO CALL THAT MAN MY FATHER! EXPECIALLY WHEN HE GO'S AND HURTS MY BABY SISTER LIKE THAT! OUR BABY SISTER!" I spat out. "Kaname, I think your being a little-" One of my sisters said. "YOU CALL THAT MAN A FATHER WHEN HE GO'S AND HURTS HIS OWN CHILD LIKE HE HAS! I CAN SEE WHY SHE RAN AWAY! AND SO MANY OTHER REASONS TO! YOU GUYS HAVE PART OF THE BLAME! OUT OF ALL OF THE SIBLINGS I'M THE ONLY ONE THAT PAYED MUCH ATTENTION TO HER! THAT MAN SITTING ON THAT THRONE WITH THE TRITON IS NO FATHER! AND YOU GUYS ARE NO SIBLINGS! I'M ASHAMED TO CALL ANY OF YOU (I mean only them and dad...not my mom and baby sister Melissa) MY FAMILY!"
I left the treasure cave steaming much like Melissa had the day father and her had had there fight in the throne room, and I'd been watching. I was probably more steamed though. After our mothers death our family just fell to pices. If you've ever heard the saying that there's always one person in the family that holds the entire family together...then you'd understand. And you'd realize our mother was that string holding the whole family together. Now she was gone, and we weren't a family anymore. I swam to my room, and, like last night, slammed the door once inside. "Mother, I love you but why'd you marry that man who is my father?" I asked, closing my eyes, leaning against the door, and looking up towards the heavens. "What did you see in that man?" I sunk to the floor still leaning against the door, with my eyes closed, and staring up at the ceiling. "I wish you were here. You'd know what to do, and Melissa would still be happy. We'd be a family again." My tears were starting again. I wished Melissa was here too. I needed my baby sister. She needed comfort and I wanted to give it to her. "Kaname, open the door." Zero said from outside my room. I ignored him. I wasn't in the mood. "Kaname, open the door." He said again. "Do you honestly think your the only one that cares about Melissa?! YOUR NOT! She's my baby sister too. She's dad's daughter. He's worried." You didn't act like her big brother, and dad didn't act like a father. Right now he was undeserving of the title of father. "You don't act like it. You don't seem worried. You don't act like a brother. Who's the one that conforts her when she's upset? ME! Dad's no father either. He's not even diserving of the title. Hurting his child like that is not what a father would or should do." I shot back. "Kaname, she's a girl. I don't know how to take care of girls. I don't know how there minds work or anything. Besides she's always been closer to you and mom. She never comes to me when she's scared or anything." Zero said. "She's closer to me partly because I'm always there for her." I said. "And you don't know anything about girls because all you know how to do is pick on them." He didn't answer for a minute. "That's how I flirt with girls. I pick on them. And in Melissa's case it's just how we are. Always picking on each other." He said. "I care about her." I heaved a sigh and thrust the door open. "Lets go look around for her." I said. We left the palace to search for my sister further. We searched everywhere we could thing but had no result. “Maybe she’s where we least expect.” Zero said. I had considered this but where would this place be? We began swimming past some volcanic rock and geothermal vents on the ocean’s floor when Zero came a stop. “Like there!” He said swimming to the volcanic geothermal area. “Zero wait I highly doubt she’d be here!” I said. That’s when I saw a girl with blue skin, and pointed ears like an elf. She had A black dress on, and a black veil over her face. Zero had seen her too. She hadn’t seen us though. She looked like she was looking for something or someone else though. “A human!” He said. She let out a shriek of agony, and started to fall over, fainting. “COME ON!” I shouted back to Zero as I swam towards the girl. I bent over her just as she passed out, Zero next to me. She couldn’t’ be human like Zero had claimed, because of her skin. Obviously Zero was overlooking things. As for the fact humans can’t breath that long underwater. Just then the water volcano started to violently shack. I picked the girl up. “LET‘S GO!” I shouted, swimming away with the girl in my arms. “We should just leave her here,” Zero said. “Dad doesn’t like it if we bring foreigners into the kingdom. She has legs for crying out loud!” He really wasn’t bright right now. “Zero, I’m surprised at you,” I told him. “She’s obviously not human since she can breathe just fine underwater. I’m offended that you classified her as an air-breather on first sighting.” Like I’d said before though. Zero’s stubbornness often lead him to over react before thinking about his actions. “Excuuuuuuuuse me, Kaname. It’s not my fault she blacked out in the first place. It’s your doing that she even escaped that underwater volcano. If it were me, she’d be as good as obsidian right now.”
“I can hear you you know.” The girl said. She stood up, as we stared at her. She took in Zero’s appearance his white/gray (no he’s not an old fart he’s hair’s just naturally that color) hair, and lavender eyes. Then my dark brown hair, and my brown hair with a tent of red mixed in with it. Our slightly muscular figures. But what seemed to surprise her the most was the fact that we had tails/fins (Zero and me both have silver tails that have a tent of blue to it in some lighting). Guess she hadn’t counted on running into a couple of merman. “Good, you’re all right,” Said Zero. “C’mon, Kaname, let’s go.” She seemed to have something click in her mind when Zero said my name. Like we’d been the one’s she’d been looking for. “Wait Zero,” I said. I swam closer to her with a smile on my face (for a second I thought I‘d seen her blushing under her veil). “I want to see what our catch of the day has to say about her condition.” I lifted her veil and revealed her face. But I barely had time to ask, “Are you all right?”, before she jerked the veil back into place. “Yes. I’m fine,” She replied (a little sharply and slightly rudely too). “Thanks for saving me from whatever you were talking about.” She didn’t seem to want to talk very much. “You’re welcome…” I said. I was going to add her name but didn’t know her name. “Anastasia, but please call me Ana. It’s what Melissa and Mat call me.” She said. Well that answered that. WAIT! Did she say Melissa! As in my sister. As in the youngest (she’s the 9th child in the family) daughter of Triton and Athena: Princess Melissa Sapphire Triton! She knew my sister! She knew where she was! I looked at her a little closer and realized she was a sea witch! SEA WITCH! They had a bad reputation around Atlantica and all the ocean kingdom’s. Zero had also heard her say Melissa, and became instantly furious. “Where have you taken her?!” He said furiously, grabbing her dress in a blur. “Tell me or else I’ll tell Dad where your hiding!” Of course he had no idea where that was. And of course he was over reacting. We’d never get anywhere like this. “Zero, please,” I said, gently tearing him away from her. “Do you think that getting up in her face will make her answer quicker or slower? Or at all?” He gave me no response. I turned back to the girl who called herself Ana. “What do you know about or sister, Ana?” I asked. She had to know Melissa. She didn’t seem surprised when she heard me say Melissa was my sister. Had to know Melissa without a doubt. She didn’t seem like the bad type of Sea Witch, but good kinds of Sea Witch’s were rare, and Ursula was one of the worst kinds of Sea Witch around. She was my Half Aunt and we never saw much of her unless she was causing trouble. “I know that’s she’s found love where she is and she’s perfectly fine,” She told me. That was good. But where exactly was she. “However,” She added. ******** that’s never good when you say however. Good and bad news. “She recently got kidnapped by Lelouch.” She looked like she was bracing herself for something. Apparently Zero grabbing her again. “Lelouch?” We asked, confused. Who the hell was Lelouch. “You might know him better as Phantom, or at least that’s what Sir Didymus said.” Sir Didymus? Now I understood. “Oh yeah. That loud-spoken knight who rides around a sheepdog?” I asked. “Yes!” she said. “Melissa would never shut up about Phantom when she was still in the palace,” Zero said. “She was like: Those who have seen your face draw back in fear. I am the mask you wear…It’s me they hear. All the livelong day. I never thought he was a real person.” Zero was right Melissa had a made crush on this Phantom of the Opera person. She fell in love with the story when she first heard it, and was charmed by this Phantom person. I found it kind of cute really. Melissa’s first love had been this Phantom, but there was no proof he was real. I’d always thought the story was fiction. Guess not. But was it the same Phantom. His name had been Erik and he’d lived back in the 1980’s or something. Ana had referred to this Phantom as ‘Lelouch’ no ‘Erik’. Melissa did love this man though. She would always been reading, watching, or singing it all the time. I still found it cute no matter what though. But I remembered coming some kind of proof he was real sometime ago. “Neither did I,” I said, “until we did some research in the palace library.” “what did you find?” Ana asked eagerly.
We couldn’t take her to the Palace. Dad wouldn’t allow it. Especially if he knew she was a Sea Witch. “We’ll get the documents for you. Dad’s not so big on welcoming strangers these days.” I said. "Wait here." Me and Zero swam back for the palace to get the documents. I'd have to remember to ask her if she knew exactly where my sister was. If she didn't we were back to square one. But she had said she'd been kidnapped by a Phantom, and according the the documents and stuff that would mean he's human. And if Melissa was kidnapped by him...that would mean she's on land. But she'd dried up with no water if that was the case. Or..."could she have become human." I thought aloud. "What?" Zero asked. "I was just thinking. Ana said Melissa's been kidnapped by a Phantom. And according to the documents he's human, but magical and stuff. If Melissa was in fact kidnapped by him that would mean she's on land. But she would of dried up with no water. But..." I said. "But then think the guy was said to live in the sewers of an opera house. So she'd have water." Zero said. "But not even a mermaid would live in a sewer." I said. "Then what were you going to suggest?" Zero asked. "But...what if...she somehow found a way? What if she...became human?" I said. Zero looked at me like I was insane. "Kaname, there's no way she could have. She'd need magic to do that. And I think dad's triton is the only thing that could do that." Zero said. "But that Ana girl's a Sea Witch. I noticed while talking to her. She uses magic. What if she turned Melissa into a human?" I suggested. "No, she doesn't look like she could use that kind of magic." Zero said. I considered this and agreed he was right. "Maybe the Phantom guys keeping Melissa alive in the kind of water she's fine with." Zero said. "And Melissa always had a crush on this Phantom person. So maybe she's happy wherever this guy's keeping her." He didn't seem to found with the idea that Melissa may of fallen in love with a human. Phantom or not. But in my case. I didn't really care. If Melissa was happy I'd accept it. Even if it was hard at first. We entered the palace, and swam to the library. Once we got what we needed we put it all into a portfolio, and headed back to go meet Ana. Along the way I kept on considering the possiblity that Melissa had become human and was up in the surface world. "Here you go." I said handing her the portfolio. "Thanks." She said turning to leave. "Ana, where exactly baby sister?" I asked. "Somewhere safe." She said. "Where exactly is this safe place?" I asked. "Ana, she's been gone for several days. We're worried about my sister." She looked sorry for us. "I wish I could say where she was exactly...but all I know is she's in good hands. The person she's with won't hurt her." She said, then she left. That didn't give me any answers. Yes I was happy to know she was alive, and safe, and in good arms. But I wanted to know if she was in the human world or not. Now we were back to square one. I was fustrated. My sister was safe, yes, but where was she. Still in the ocean or on the surface world!? "We should head back?" Zero said. "Yeah." I said solomly. We swam back to the palace. I kept weighing the possiblity that she'd become human. Melissa had always dremet of the human world. What if she went to the human world and had by some means uptained legs. What I didn't get was how she could have done that? All through the rest of the day till the time I went to bed I weighed the possiblities. No one could snap me out of thought. Actually in a small way my sisters seemed like they were a little scared of me after my outburst this morning. Father hadn't the slightest clue what was wrong. Actually any time father tried talking to me I'd ignore him. Partly because I was thinking, and second I was still furious about what he'd done. They all noticed I didn't eat or touch my food much. I really just stared at the plate. From the cornor of my eyes I would glance next to my seat at the one where Melissa would sit if she were still here. I went to bed silently that night. If anyone said something to me along the way I payed them no attention. I was to deep in thought.
I started to drift off as I thought. My thought's becoming sluggish. Soon I fell asleep and didn't think about it the rest of the night. That night I dremt about my sister. She was in the human world, and she had legs! She had made friends, and she seemed happy. Then I saw her crying and it was obvious what it was about just by the way she looked. A boy had hurt her, and rejected her. I then saw Ana trying to consult in her. Then I saw her in a tank of water, and two Sailors laughing! She'd been captured, and they were trying to expose her for her true self: a mermaid. Then Ana, and a blue haired kid burst in to save her. Up in the banisters I could see a half masked teenage boy. He looked about 2 or 3 years older then Melissa, Ana, and the blue haired kid. This must be the Phantom. I thought. Then I saw Melissa walking with that blue haired kid (who'd she called Mat), and suddenly kissing him straight on the lips, and then her running off embaressed and unsure of her feelings. Then I saw her in a cave, along with the Phantom again, and Ana and Mat bursting in again. But Mat was a wolf this time. And then finally, I saw Melissa kidnapped by the Phantom, while she was dazed as if hypnotized. I thought my dream was over, but then I saw myself in a bedroom. I saw a swan shaped bed, and in the bed was Melissa! Sleeping soudly, and quietly. then she was huddled in a cornor scared by the Phantom when she removed his mask. then things becoming quite, and him singing her to sleep again. Them bonding in there time together. And Melissa falling for him, but having mixed feelings between Mat and the Phantom. I jerked up in the bed in cold sweat. She was in the human world! My mother had sent me a sign! The clue I needed and wanted! God bless her! I looked out the window. It was morning. I jerked the covers off me, and swam to my door, and out. I swam as fast as I could for the dinning room. I needed to tell them! We had a big boost. I burst through the door the dinning hall as hard as I could! "I KNOW WHERE MELISSA IS!" I screamed. They all looked up at me like I was half insane. "What are you talking about?" My father asked. "MELISSA! MELISSA! I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" I cried. "And where would that be?" Zero asked. "Are you all stupid?! Think! Melissa loves the human world! She's fasinated with it! And dad went and destroyed all her treasures! THINK! HUMAN! HUMAN YOU IDIOTS! SHE'S IN THE HUMAN WORLD!" I cried. My father rose. "Kaname, I won't have you blowing up like this! Nor will I have you suggesting my youngest child is in the human world!" My father said firmly, and with athority. "You just can't accept it can you?! You'll go to any lengths to deny anything! Everything has to be your way! If Melissa is fasinated by the human world! You won't let her! If she has treasures from that world you won't let her! If she's in love with a human you won't allow it! You do nothing, but hurt your children! Your no father! Your not even worthy of the title 'father'! Your nothing but a dictator!" I shot back. "Face it, dad! She ran away because of the way you treat her! You can't except she's gone! You don't want her to be gone because she's so much like mom! You're afraid of losing her too!" My father gripped his triton and gave me a sturn look.
"Kaname, you will be silent! There is no way she became human!" Father said. "I have to agree with dad, Kaname. It's unlikely." Said Adella. "But she did! It's very likely." I said. "Kaname, I won't hear anymore of this nonsense. Now sit down, eat breakfast, and be quite!" My father shouted. I continued to stay in my place at the door, not moving. "No." I said. My other siblings looked at me dropping what they were doing. My father got more furious. "Excuse me? You will do as your told!" My father said. "No." I said simply. "No, I won't. Not when all you do is hurt your children! When you refuse to listen to anything that could tell you were your missing daughter is!" I wasn't going to let him shoot me down. This was my father's true colors. Unaceppting of anything he didn't want to hear. I wasn't going to let him this time though. My sister was gone because of them, and right now he sounded like he didn't even miss her. That he didn't care about her. "Kaname, sit down this instent!" Father yelled. "NO!" I said. "It's likely Melissa became human! Your triton is not the only magical item around! There could of been another way she became human! If you'd just listen!" "Kaname si-" My father started. "There are Sea Witches to you know! Melissa could of gone to one! SHE COULD OF GONE TO ONE AND STRUCK A DEAL! GONE TO ONE AND BECOME HUMAN BECAUSE OF THERE MAGIC! THEY'RE CAPIBLE OF THAT SORT OF THING! THEY CAN DO THAT, DAD" I yelled. My sisters all huddled together, at my father and my fight. Zero sat there ready to back away if nessacery. "KANAME, I'VE HEARD ENOUGH! MELISSA DID NOT BECOME HUMAN! NOW SIT DOWN!" He shouted. "You don't even sound like you miss your own daughter! If anyone's torn this family appart sense mom died it's YOU!" I shouted. "Kaname-" He tried again. "If she did go to a Sea Witch there's only one I can think of. Our half aun-" I said. "KANAME!" He shouted. "URSULA!" I shouted. My sisters gasped, and Zero fell back in his chair as I heard him mumble, "oh boy it's on." My father stared at me. We never mentioned Ursusla much unless she was causing problems. But as my dad stared at me, in his eyes I saw realization, and he knew I was right. He knew Ursula could be behind...this whole thing. Behind Melissa's disapperance, her possibly becoming human. All of it...

To be continued in Chapter 64...
(note: sorry he's text color is the same as Melissa's (dark side) and lelouch's text...couldn't think of a color for kaname that looked right in a text change)