•° You Shouldn't °•
● Piss Me Off - No, I'm serious. I don't think it's effective over the internet, but really you wouldn't like me when I'm pissed. I would be emotionless. I would give you a S**t load of attitude. And I will be the b**chiest person you could ever meet. Alrighty? The worst that could happen on Gaia is that we wouldn't have a good convo, I'd be more like 'Oh', 'Yeah', Whatever' Or I'll just b***h at you for pissing me off in the first place.
● Annoy Me - Because that will piss me off and yo just read what would happen in the above.
● Ask Me Out - It would just make things awkward. Because you read - or should've - in the 'I Don't- entry that I don't Date, not even Cyber date. I'm sorry, but don't try. If you like me, you like me. Keep it to yourself, for the time being until you feel that I feel the same - and I'm 16. Okay? If yo ask me out, it will change everything ;;
1. We might not be as close as we used to be.
2. I'm not able to say 'I love you' or you say it anymore like we used to - if we used to.
3. Just don't. I have a boyfriend.
●Beg - I will get annoyed. If you ask once, I'll think about it, and if I say no. It's a no. I'm sorry, babe, but if I don't want to donate, I won't. Begging will get you no where.
● Piss Me Off - No, I'm serious. I don't think it's effective over the internet, but really you wouldn't like me when I'm pissed. I would be emotionless. I would give you a S**t load of attitude. And I will be the b**chiest person you could ever meet. Alrighty? The worst that could happen on Gaia is that we wouldn't have a good convo, I'd be more like 'Oh', 'Yeah', Whatever' Or I'll just b***h at you for pissing me off in the first place.
● Annoy Me - Because that will piss me off and yo just read what would happen in the above.
● Ask Me Out - It would just make things awkward. Because you read - or should've - in the 'I Don't- entry that I don't Date, not even Cyber date. I'm sorry, but don't try. If you like me, you like me. Keep it to yourself, for the time being until you feel that I feel the same - and I'm 16. Okay? If yo ask me out, it will change everything ;;
1. We might not be as close as we used to be.
2. I'm not able to say 'I love you' or you say it anymore like we used to - if we used to.
3. Just don't. I have a boyfriend.
●Beg - I will get annoyed. If you ask once, I'll think about it, and if I say no. It's a no. I'm sorry, babe, but if I don't want to donate, I won't. Begging will get you no where.