A bit more about me, If you will.
I don't know if you know this, but my name is Crysta, and if you think I'm not normal, you're wrong. I am, just not your kind of normal. My kind of normal happens to involve telling jokes, being stupid, and laughing for no apparent reason; not only that, but having composure, dignity, and also intelligence.
I suppose I'll begin with the basics.
My name is Crysta Brianne, but you can call me Crysta. I'm almost fifteen, don't underestimate my mannerisms though. I'm smart, but there's times I don't think things all the way through. I live in a two story house, with my mom and two brothers and my cat, Bella. The dog, Kira, is an outdoor dog. I don't like the outside, and it doesn't like me all too well. I'm allergic to nearly everything outside, and I think outside's allergic to me. But if I'm able, i like to be outside.
Sadly to say, I don't believe in religion. So if you bring your bibles or pentagrams my way, you'd be better off turning around. If I believe anything, it'd be that we are reincarnated, when we die. But hey, that's me. You can love your religions, but I couldn't care less. I don't believe in politics either. It's stupid, and gets us nowhere. If we lived in harmony without one stupid leader over everything, I think we'd be better off.
If you have racist jokes, leave them at the door. I hate racism. It's stupid, because we're all created equal. Yeah, we look different, but that's no reason to make someone feel bad. Yes, we have different relatives, but so what? Theories are that we all originated in Africa. So we're all kinda the same. If you don't think so, beh on you then. That's your problemo.
I'm a dull person. Very very. Unless you get to know me; then I'm out of my shell a little more. I don't talk to people first, unless I'm feeling rather blunt. Usually, I wait on people to talk to me. So, that being said, go ahead and talk to me. I don't mind. Half the time I'm on my own, and the other half of the time, I'm talking to too many people. I'm not real social, so if that scares you, Sorry? I just..don't talk to people a lot. It bugs me when people talk to me and I'm busy. If I'm working on classwork, I'm focused on doing that. So please, ******** off?
That's another thing. I swear a lot. I don't do it purposefully to sound cool like a lot of kids do. They just slip; My parents have sworn all my life, so I picked up swearing at an early age...I just usually said the words in my mind. I'm allergic to cigarette smoke, and I abhor alcoholics and drug-abusers. I'm clean, always have, always will be. If you drink, or smoke, or do drugs; don't do it around me. 1) Cigarette smoke will kill me if there's too much around me, and 2) I'll probably slap you. That's killing brain cells, and there's no need for it. And, in all honesty? Alcohol and Drug abusers disgust me.
I'm a smartass. Seriously, I am. I don't mean to be, but I just have that natural demeanor about me. So, uh...sorry? I use a lot of anime smilies too. The "^_^ ^-^ ^.^ ^w^ ^3^ ^u^ ^n^, O_O o_o O_o o_O O-O o-o O-o o-O o.o owo o3o ouo ono, x3 :3 83, Etc etc." I use too many of them. The most used are ">.> <.< x3 XD and o.o'" But I use so many, it's hard to keep track. I read good manga but never watch anime unless the book I'm reading goes with it. Usually though, I'll have my nose in a good Novel or two. I can have up to five novels going at once. Just keep the stories straight and you're good.
I abhor myself. There's days I think I'm ugly, or disgusting; but then there's days that concur. Shrug; my frame of mind is all that matters. Which brings me to: Don't talk about me if you can't back it up. If you don't know me, don't say s**t. If you do, you're free to go. It doesn't matter to me, really, because the only person's opinion that matters is mine. And if people abandon me and I've got no friends...Well, I've got my brother and his buds. Maybe I should just be friends with them, and them only?
I relate better to guys then I do girls. I hate shopping, painting my nails, and doing girly stuff. I hate girly stuff in general. I mean, I'm more of a darker persona? I like dirt biking, four-wheeling, fighting, playing games, and other stuff. Don't take me for a girly girl, because I'm everything but. I have the strangest fascination with model dragons for no apparent reason. They're so cute. I'll post pictures of them in their own special album, because they're that amazing. Some are missing horns. Oh, I've got a collection of little dragons painted in pastel colours.
The only girly thing I really like doing, is making jewelery, and picking out perfumes. I just like smelling the aromas, and usually try to figure out what they're made of before even looking at the back of the bottle. I kinda wanna work in Bath and Body Works some day, haha. I like how it smells clean when you walk in there.
I'm a skilled tattoo artist; No, I don't actually do the tattooing. I just make the tattoos. I designed my mom's tattoo, and her boyfriends as well. I've got a job offer at the parlor for when I'm eighteen to be an apprentice there. When I'm older, I plan on going to college and getting a teaching degree so I can be an Art Teacher at a Highschool by day, and a tattoo artist at night. Like a super hero, huh?
I am the techie. I love everything computers, science, and electrics. Especially cars. I'm techno-savvy, and am a techno geek. I love taking things apart, putting them back together in different ways and seeing if they work. It takes a lot of knowledge, but it sure is fun. I usually find myself thinking "Can i take that, and make it better?" or "What if i took it apart, and put it together like this? Would it still work?"
As for marital status, I'm in a relationship with a wonderful guy named Caleb James Willis. I've known him for around three years now, and have been with him that long. No, not dating for three years total (it's been on and off), but we've never really left eachother's side in these three years. He's helped me with a lot of stuff, and I'm so happy he's mine. I'm not sure I'll let him go anytime soon. So, get in line girlies, this piece of sexy cake is mine; I've got someone I love very much, and he means the world to me: and I'm not so sure that I can say anything more. He's been there for me for the past three years, and we've had our ups and downs. He may live what seems to be light years away, but he's always beside me it feels. No matter how many times We've left each other, I wind up falling for him over and over. When I'm with him, my heart races. Just the thought of him makes my knees weak, and makes it where I can hardly breathe. If this is how love feels, then I guess I've fallen head over heels for this sixteen-year old, brown haired, brown eyed, good-natured and absolutely sweet boy. I love you, Caleb. And I will forevermore, even when we're old and gray.
I've got one best friend, and her name is Karen Jackson. She's the most amazing person I could ever have met, and she's probably the only person I'll ever meet to be as astounding and good-natured. She's the sweetest, most kind girl I've ever met, and if you don't like her, then that's a fault you'll never be able to patch. She's the most amazing person to walk this planet, and she'll always be my best friend. She's like a sister to me, and she's always been there for me for the past year when I needed her most. Thank you, Karen. You've been the best friend I've ever had.
Anywho, I'm not able to live without them...So if there's anything you'd like to add, go ahead and send it to me, and I'll put it on here. Woop woop; i'ma firin' mah lazah! Hahaha. Doubles mates, I'm outies.
It would surprise you how much I love you...I can't even begin in words, in all honesty. I know I'm to be with you, lets say that for now. I hope I'll express it as best as i can with words...Whenever you're around, my heart beats rapidly against my chest like a bird trying to escape it's cage! When I'm with you, My stomach houses millions of butterflies that tickle my linings to help create that warm and fuzzy sensation. I love you with all that is ME! The feelings and passion i convey to you are no joke: I'm more than absolutely positively in love with you...Not even all the stars in all the universe and galaxies could amount of love I feel for you... You are, indeed, the love of my life. I'm so happy to have you...And though I've hurt you, you've forgiven me..I've fallen for you over and over without even knowing. I can't be with other people, and not have my mind on you..That's why other relationships don't last long..I can't keep you out of my head! I can't sleep...I can't dream without you there...You're the love of my life, Caleb...You really are. I don't ever want to lose you, and if I ever try to leave again...Stop me.
" In a world of black and white, Caleb, you are my C-O-L-O-R. "