Judas Priest
Now and then I watch documentaries on bands. I know, I know. The Metallica one was gruesome. Watching them do group therapy and make amends with David Mustaine was a soul searing experience I wish I'd avoided. Today I was watching a Judas Priest making of the album one for their British steel album. The thing that startled me is how much delight and joy these guys still had in their music. This is a metal band that's been touring since i was a kid, and they still love what they are doing with a pleasure so palpable it nearly knocked me flat. (Yes, they replaced one member, but most of them were clearly as into it as they were at twenty). There faces lit up as they talked about recording and musical innovations. How cool is that? Most of their contemporaries from other bands are dead or burnt out husks. These guys were so... vital, so in love with music. It was weirdly heart warming. Judas Priest=heartwarming. Go figure.