Welcome people to my shop thank you for coming here well lets tell you bout my shop my shop is a shop that makes Dream Avatars,Profiles,Themes and signs that hav ur names or pictures for ur profile.

Themes: Any price
Profile:Any Price
Dream avatars:Any price
Name Tags: ANY PRICE!!!!
FOR NOOBS for all of these: 500g each

Very Colorful Profile: is any price +tax 300g
and for the color ful profile its tax is 7g
And sometimes Free Like when its ur B-day!!!
or something

If you would like a one of them (profiles,dream avatars,Themes,Name tags) please Contact me in PM message
and make sure to put in these things:

Thing u have to if want a name tag:

Item Want to buy:

2 or 3 colors

Do you want USERNAME or REAL NAME if want real name give me ur real name

Things to Put if Want Profile:


Code of Picture:

2 fav colors:

Price You will give me for it:

Things to Put if Want Avi:


Style :

2 colors:

Items that have to on it name the items:

Price you will give me for it:

P.S If you want a surprise which is i make it and i pick wat i think is good for you it will only cost 10g!!! PM ME IF YOU WANT ONE OF THEM

DO NOT COPY MY WORDS IF U COPY U ARE STUPID and if u copy and make changes of words U ARE STILL COPYING SOOOO DONT COPY!!!!!!!!!!