Episode 11:
Scene 1: Dizz drops the mic as a figure in mid air flys towards the stage. Dizz was motionless. The figure appears to be a female. She lands a kick in his face. Dizz falls back and crashes into the stereo system. the Announcer and DJ leave the stage. The crowd watches. they think it's a part of the Battle. Dizz stands up and faces the female. she is a slim Asian with short hair and is wearing a tight leather suit. Dizz stands up and wipes the blood off his bottom lip.
Dizz: Was i that bad?
Female: Personally, i hate rap * throws a knife at dizz, dizz dodges it*
Dizz: not friendly are we? do i know you?
Female: Nope, but you can call me Kim * pulls out a pistol*
Dizz: ok Kimmy,
Kim: it's just kim * Fires*
*when she shoots, the audience leaves the building, Syn grabs kro and takes he to the car. Dizz moves out of the way of the bullet, and charges towards kim. Once close enough, Dizz grabs her arm and throws her off the stage. she loses her gun when she is thrown. she gets up to notice that dizz has thrown a Record at her, she dunks as it cuts a hair off the tip of her head, she looks back up and dizz is smiling. she pulls out a grenade and lobs it off towards dizz, dizz stops smiling and jumps right as it explodes. he flies and hits a wall. when he gets back on eh ground, she quickly appears in front of him, and she punches him in the stomach, then hooks him in his jaw. the last blow makes him spit blood. then he starts to laugh, he comes up with a right hook to her face. shes stumbles as the blow strikes her. she holds her face and looks up, Dizz jumps and roundhouse kicks her face, causes her to lift off the ground. She lands on a table, causing it to break. dizz picks up a chair and rips its leg off, using the leg as a weapon. Kim gets up and pulls out two batons. she pushes the buttons on the batons and they extend. dizz then looks at the wood stick hes holding with disapprovment. Kim then strikes him, he quickly blocks with the chair leg, and she strikes him with the other baton in his thigh. Dizz kneels and she hits him in the face with the other baton. he falls towards the ground. she hand cuffs him. but before she could take him out the building, a ninja star cuts her right arm. she drops dizz, who is unconscious, and turns around. Kam is on top of the stage. he puts on hes gloves and looks at kim...
Kam: I was battling him first...
* Kam jumps off the stage and charges towards kim, he punches her and she flies through the door into the street. she gets up, hold her stomach, she looks up and Kam Delivers a kick across her face, bringing her to the ground. she spits up blood and gets back up. Kam is bouncing around like a kick boxer. He teleports in front of kim and high kicks her in the chin. she leaves the ground and goes toward the sky. Kam jumps above her and elbows her back towards the ground, and before she hits the the street, he quickly teleports below her and knees her in the stomach. the blow causes her to puke up more blood. he pushes her off his knee and backs up. She gets up adn reachs in her pocket. She pulls out a pill and throws it at teh ground. Suddently smoke clouds the street. and when it dies down, she is nowhere to be found. Kam runs back into the Building and finds that dizz is waking up. Kam breaks the handcuffs off of him and helps him up. Dizz rubs his head. Kam laughes
Kam: Damn dizz, you got haters
Dizz: i know right, where she go
Kam: I was handling her in the street, she punked out, threw a smoke bomb and disappeared. She couldn't handle the beating i guess * cracks his knuckles*
Dizz: *laughs* well thanks man, i hope we can battle later on though. i was about to rip you.
Kam: Whatever you say MC Dizz,
Scene 2: Dizz is jumping across the tops of building, it is around 2am in the morning. Dizz yawns while he trys to stay awake. He is headed towards the compound. he decides to take a breathe break on top on a housing complex. he sits down next to a Air vent and closes his eyes. his phone rings....it's syn
Dizz: Hello..
Syn: Bro are you ok?
Dizz: yea MC Kam helped me
Syn: Ok, who was that?
Dizz: Some bounty hunter chick named Kim, Idk but she wanted to capture me.
Syn: well you get home. ok?
Dizz: ya im on my way *hangs up and closes him eyes again. he relaxes his shoulders and turns his head. Suddently someone taps his shoulders. Dizz opens his eyes and notices a teenage girl. she smiles and closes her eyes. Dizz sighs and turns his head back around. she taps his should again, he turns back around*
Teen: No need to be loud? and are you sure its safe to nap up here? GPD is all around.
Dizz: Who are you? are you going to try to kill me?
Teen: Why would i try that?
*dizz whispers*
Dizz: well alot of people have tried
Teen: Well im not those people, I'm Eleni, but you can call me Leni for short.
Dizz: Ok, well hi leni, i'm dizz.
Leni: i already know who you are silly * smiles*
Dizz: *Stares at leni*
You do huh?
Leni: Yep, i'm your number 1 fan * Smiles again*
Dizz: Mhmm ok? *Stands up* Well, i gotta go leni.
Leni: Wait let me get my stuff
Dizz: Wait wait wait, you're not coming?
Leni: Oo yes i am.
Dizz: What about your parents and stuff, you know, your like 14 aren't you?
Leni: Ok i'm young, but still. Anyways i don't have parents. so follow me to get my stuff.
Dizz: Somthing in my gut tells me not to trust you * backs away from leni*
Leni: ooo stop being a girl, anyways, if i was going to kill you, you would be dead by now. so, are you coming?
*Leni jumps off the building into a a alley way below. Dizz runs towards the edge she jumped from. he sees her below. she waves at him and tells him to hurry up. Dizz scratches his head then jumps without hesitation.*
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Eyez Be Ketchup :]
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![]() Dezmyn Community Member ![]() |
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![]() MissLeni Community Member ![]() |
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keep up good work
this is very entertaining bro ;D