Almost Canada Day
Its June 30th today and tomorrow is Canada Day (yay?). My latest freaking obession is One Tree Hill. It sucks that fictional characters seem to have way better friendships then I do. I mean the main friendship is between Lucas and Nathan Scott who are half brothers (because their father is an arrogant a*****e who should have died when he had a heart attack >.> but so not the point). I mean those two guys hated each other for the longest time but Lucas' best friend Haliey brings them together when she starts dating Nathan (ironic huh?) and well the become close. So anyway back to the point Lucas dates this girl named Brooke (possibly without the "e" I dont know) but he really likes her and her best friend named Peyton which causes tension and yet after the break up of Lucas and Brooke they still remain friends. Okay granted they Brooke hated her for a while but then something happened and blah blah Brooke and Peyton are now even better friends it seems.