Name: Brandon Hirsch
Age: 17
Nicknames: None
Physical Description: Brandon is a medium height of 5'10". He is muscled, but mainly around the chest area. Brandon was born in Australia, and his Australian accent is his most prominent feature. The one thing off is he began getting gray hair at the age of 14, and it finished at the age of 16. His brown eyes are the color of a marsupials fur.
Quincy Cross: Brandons Cross is a pure ruby and silver cross. It was given to him by his teacher, who found him wandering the desert(see background/history)
Quincy Bow: Brandons Bow is a short bow. But he can fire off more powerful shots, and it "reloads" faster than normal bows do.
*Needle Storm: Brandon fires a single shot, and it explodes into a shower of needles that fly everywhere. The only backlash to this, is that it can harm Brandon as well.
*Dragon Rush: Brandon summons all of the reaitsu in his body, and fires a massive shot. It takes the form of a dragon rushing towards his enemy.
*Onyx: Brandon fires three shots at his enemy. Depending on where the shots land, that part of the bodies nervous system shuts down, and becomes useless.
Special Accessories: Brandon always has his hat on his head. He never takes it off. He feels naked anytime it is off. Brandon also constantly wears his cross around his neck, instead of on his wrist, like most quincys.
Skills: Brandon can take hits. He is a natural tough guy, and will be willing to fight for anyone, no matter the numbers of enemies. Brandon can also predict an enemies next move, so he is always prepared.
Personality: Brandon is the loud mouth of all the quincys. He loves to talk tough, and act all big, but he is like a puppy. He loves to laugh and have a good time, and loves all of his friends. Even ones he may have made 5 minutes ago. He naturally attracts people with his happiness, and he always has a grin on his face.
Theme Song: None yet.
Background: Brandon was born to a very rich and powerful couple. They lived in Sydney Australia all of Brandons life. When Brandon turned 10, his mother passed away due to cancer. It wasnt until Brandon was 12, was when his father sent him to military school.
Brandon eventually found a way to escape the school at the age of 15, and left. Brandon wandered the Australian desert and passed out due to exhaustion. Brandon was found by a shaman who wandered the desert as well. The shaman revived him, and found out that Brandon had Quincy powers, as the shaman was a Quincy himself. the shaman trained Brandon for two years, and then left Brandon on his own. Brandon found his way back to the city, and started a new life there.
When Brandon got a job, he left Australia and went to Japan, in search of other possible Quincies like himself. That is where Brandon lives today.
Quincy Arts:
• Volcore: (緑杯, vorukōru; German for "cloud" wink — This technique uses a silver tube to create a large blast. While it may not be intended for use as such, Uryū uses it to cushion the impact of a fall. It is activated by the command "Tilt the goblet to the west - Emerald Grail!" (盃よ西方に傾け)
• Heizen: (聖噬, haizen; German for "heat" wink — This technique creates a transparent, rectangular beam of energy from silver tubes which slices through the opponent. It is activated by the command "Feel the wrath of battle and accept this sacred chalice - Sacred Bite!" (大気の戦陣を杯に受けよ)
•Hirenkyaku: (飛廉脚; lit. "flying screen step/god step" wink — Analogous to the Shinigami flash steps or the Arrancar sonido, the Quincy Hirenkyaku allows the user to move quickly over short distances. To perform the technique, the user gathers spiritual particles under their feet and rides them to the desired location. Like the air-walking skill displayed by most Arrancar and Shinigami, it can also be used to hover or fly for long distances.