>> ________Get the Basics Down
______Name: Azarel Syphier
______Nickname: Zel, or just Syphier
______Age: Sixteen and three quarters
______Birthday: October thirteenth
______Year: Seventh
______Gender: Female
______Wand: Madrona wood, Boomslang venom core; 11inches, unyielding
______Pet: A Ferret named Druid
______House: Ravenclaw
>>________ Now for Business
______Appearance: (Please be sure to describe information such as their hair, eyes, height, build, usual style of clothes, distinguishing features, etc. Minimum of two paragraphs.)
Mother: Melonie Syphier, 37, secretary in a potions shop. A lighthearted, bubbly woman who never takes much anything seriously. She is constantly smiling, and tends to see the best of everything.
Father: Adrian Syphier, 34, transfiguration studies at the ministry of magic. The polar opposite of Melonie. He is very serious, cold, stern, and generally just not fun. Why he married Melonie is a mystery. He expects nothing less than the best grades from Zel.
Siblings: Hosiah, 4, as happy as a four year old can be. He obviously takes after his mother more than his father and sister.
Heritage: Pure blood
Biography: Three paragraphs about your character's life so far and include information such as experiences, family life, etc.
>>________ Get Under the Skin
Subjects Your Character Takes: Transfiguration, Astronomy, Care of Magical creatures, Apparition, Ancient Runes, D.A.D.A.
Best Subject: Transfiguration and Care of Magical Creatures
Worst Subject: Your character's least-liked/hardest subject. (Just name one or two of the ones your taking).
Specific Skills: Anything that your character excels at. (Don't name too many because not everyone is good at everything)
Personality: (The good, the bad and the downright ugly. Minimum of two to three well-developed paragraphs)
>>________Other Information
______Posting Colors: Goldenrod, Grey, and Gold
Karime Blackwing