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i will wirte about my everyday life HAHAHA
What do you guys think about this story? Sad? Awesome? Great? Opinions please. Nope, I didn't write it, I found it on a site. confused


They called him creep. He was simply a wallflower, but nonetheless everyone had something against him.
The boy had not done absolutely anything to upset anybody, and he always minded his own business.
It was something he could not understand. Why was everyone so unfair to him?

Anthony hadn't always been a "creep". Just last year, he used to hang out with his best
friend in the whole wide world, Jake. They would sit and talk for hours, and they skated all
over their hometown.
All throughout the years, Jake and Anthony had gone on many trips together, helped each other out,
and were always there for each other.

Then, a tragedy occurred. Jake was killed in a car accident. Anthony could not describe how he felt when
he heard the news. He felt a maddening cloud of strong emotions in his heart, and he couldn't stop the tears.
At the funeral, he bowed his head the whole time and mourned with Jake's family. The frantic cries of Jake's mother
cut right through him. He didn't sob, and his face was showing no emotion or expression. Tears
ran down his cheeks, but he just stood there paralyzed in shock.

Jake's death had cause dramatic changes in Anthony's life. He went from "that one dude who skates" to
"that creep". He wasn't the same person, and his unusual behavior is what cause people to start teasing him.
He stuttered and got tongued-tied.
He sweated excessively. He would be off on a world of his own.
Anthony would cry at random times. For all of this, he could find no explanation. Was he going mad?
Or was he sick?

There were a very few people who would mutter "Poor guy..." in the halls, but they never stood up for him when he was
being made fun of. Sometimes he didn't know what they were saying. He found a way to shut himself away from them.
Anthony would see the movements of their
lips and the occasional pointing, but he preferred not to hear what they were saying.

There was a dark misery within him. He felt like the biggest nobody in the world. Anthony longed for the
life he led, for the dreams he had, and for the best friend anyone could ever have.

At times Anthony would tell himself out loud, "Maybe it didn't happen, no. Maybe all of this will go away."
He would constantly say that, and people eyed him weirdly. "Freak," they muttered.

Anthony missed his friend a lot. Memories of when they met in the sixth grade came to mind. Ever since, they
had been great friends. He wanted to hear his voice again. Jake had been his only friend. Before that, Anthony had
always been a loner.

He really missed the days when they would laugh for hours, and when Jake would joke that they were barrio kids
with American names. Or when they would go to McDonald's to hang out and have a good time. Anthony could think of many other things he missed about Jake. But now he was dead.

Dead. It's such a strong word, thought Anthony. He wished he was dead. He felt useless, dumb, and miserable.

To relieve stress, he skated. It continued to be a hobby of his. But things were nothing like before, when he would
skateboard with Jake. They would always skate all around the neighborhood. Sometimes they would hang out with the
"hardcore skater boys". The pack of young boys would skate to a vacant parking lot,
causing a ruckus with the screeching and
grinding of their skateboards. As they would arrive, Anthony and Jake would watch as the other boys smoked cigarettes.
Whenever the boys offered them a cigarette, the two friends refused.

"I don't want to get cancer and die," Jake told Anthony when he had been offered a cigarette. In fact, Jake's biggest
phobia was death. It hurt Anthony so much to know Jake had to die, and a sudden feeling of agony took over his body.

The skater guys no longer talked to him. Whenever he would pass by them around the neighborhood or school, they would
act as if he was invisible.

Anthony's single mom knew what her son was going through. But truly, she couldn't really do anything about it. "I'm sorry,
honey. I know this is very hard for you." She held him in her arms, rocking him back and forth, back and forth.
"You gotta be strong. Okay?"

"Aight, mom, I'll try."

His mother, however, was not aware that what her son was going through was so serious. Fatal. Everyday was a rainy day
for him. Life became absurd and pointless.

I don't belong here.

The words kept running through his head. He felt suicidal. So suicidal that he was even planning to kill himself the
following night. A dream changed his mind.

He was getting on a train with Jake. Anthony was about to get on the train, when Jake pushed him off. He shook his head
violently, his brown shaggy hair bouncing. "No! You can't get on!"

Anthony shot him a fierce look and began to climb on the train.

"It's not time yet," Jake said, looking at him with sharp tiger eyes. The train left, puffing smoke that allowed Anthony
to wake up. His eyes opened in a flash. The dream. It all came to him so fast. He cried silently. Anthony decided that
suicide was not the answer.

There was a new girl at Anthony's high school. She was a sophomore, and a year younger than him. Her name was Nina.
Anthony thought she seemed like a nice person, perhaps even a person who might stick up for him. The genuine sparkle in
eyes that told Anthony she was a dreamer and an optimist.

Walking down the hall one day, Kenny, the leader of the "hardcore skater boys" came up to him.

"Well if it isn't Anthony the creep. The loner, the one everybody hates. Boo-hoo."

"You're so cold." Anthony told him, staring him in the eye.

"Cold? You're calling me mean?!" Kenny laughed, "Oh please, Leon. You know mean is my middle name. You know, kid,
I was never your friend. I always pretended to be, just so that your little dead friend could do some spray paint art
on my board."

"You used us." Anthony said angrily. "How dare you?!"

Without thinking, Anthony jumped on Kenny. Quickly, Kenny blasts three bunches at Anthony's face but misses. Stunned with fear,
Anthony runs away, running faster than lightning. People in the hall laugh at him, "Haha, run you creep!"

"It's not over yet, ANTHONY!"

One particular sunny day, Anthony went to the tree were he usually ate lunch. To his astonishment, the new girl was
underneath it, nibbling on a bologna sandwich. Anthony stood next to her and he could feel her eyes on him as he began to
climb the tree. He sat down on a thick branch and took out his squished peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Nina looked
up and her large brown almond-shaped eyes expanded. She shoved the whole sandwich in her mouth and started to slowly
climb the tree. She sat on another thick branch near Anthony.

He didn't know what to think. The branch on which Nina sat on was the same one Jake had occupied for so long.

An image of Jake came to his mind. Jake was on the tree branch, throwing back his head in laughter. But then, Jake's
shaggy brown hair was replaced by a girl's smooth-as-silk blonde hair. A young girl's soft features replaced Jake's
sharp manly features.

Anthony shook his head in confusion. He turns away when he finds himself staring at her.

"Do you...mind if I'm sitting here?" the girl asks.

He turn's around with a huh? expression on his face. Honestly, Anthony did not know what to say. Should he calmly say,
"No, I do not mind at all," or should he yell, "No! I don't want you sitting there! That's where Jake used to sit!"
Instead, he said nothing.

When he sat there speechless, the girl introduced herself. "I'm Nina. Nice to meet you."

Someone's desperate for a friend, he thought.

"Anthony," was all he said as he shook her hand. At that very moment, he knew his life would turn around. He wasn't
invisible anymore. He had a friend. It didn't matter whether this girl truly wanted to be his friend or not, or if she
was just doing it because the popular girls didn't notice her.
The important thing was that he wasn't alone.

Little by little, they began to talk more. Interests and hobbies were discussed. After a while, he felt he could trust
her. He told Nina everything there was to tell. From the death to the teasing and about Kenny. When he finished,
she looked sick, and tears were welling up in her eyes. "I'm so sorry." And together, they wept.

Nina was determined to help Anthony. "You gotta ignore that Kenny guy. He wants to see you mad, that's his goal.
Show him he can't hurt you!"

Walking down the hall, he heard Nina's words in his head. "Chin up, confidence. Sounds girly, but it works for
anyone. Guys need self-esteem too!"

People noticed the changes. Some would look at him in awe, while others would smirk. However, they came a time
when they put him down.

For no reason at all, there was just laughter in the hallway.

"Little creep boy things he's all bad now!"

"Yeah, just 'cause he got a little friend don't make him cool."

"He's still a CREEP!"

"Yeah, you crybaby!"

He began to doubt himself. Maybe they're right, he thought as he walked in humiliation. Maybe I am thinking I'm
all bad...

Anthony could see Kenny far away, pointing at him and laughing with his friends. "He's such a freak and a lame-o,"
Anthony could hear him say.

Kenny began to approach him. "So...Anthony. You got a little girlfriend now, don't you? And you think you're so cool."

He looked down at the floor, noticing it was very dirty.

"Well, guess what? You're not! So stop walking around thinking you're all that. You don't have friends, Anthony. Yeah,
fake friends, keep telling yourself that."

What is this guy thinking? Anthony thought, Why is he so angry at me?

"You're lucky. I don't feel like kicking your a** today!" said Kenny as he walked away.

Anthony was still looking at the floor.

"No!" Nina cried, "No! No! No! It's not that you think you're all bad. You're just getting some confidence, and that
bugs them, Anthony!"

He stared at the sky.

She was right.

It was time to start ignoring Kenny.

The days passed, and when Kenny saw that his insults were not hurting Anthony, he forgot about beating him up. Of course,
there were little things here and there that Kenny would say to upset Anthony. But he knew he had to learn to get used to
it. The world was full of mean people.

His depression and misery was long forgotten. He spent a lot of his time with his only friend. Every Friday night they
would sit in Anthony's backyard wishing upon stars.

"They're so beautiful!" Nina exclaimed.

"Yeah," agreed Anthony, "but I wish there was less pollution so we could see them better."

"Yep, true..."

"Why me?" he just blurted it out." Why did you want to be my friend? Weren't you aiming for those cool popular girls or
anyone else?"

"No." Nina said. "I...have gone through some thought times with my past friends," she explained. "Well, the thing is,
they weren't true friends. I got picked on, just like you. And when I see someone like yourself whom I know must need a
friend, I need to approach them. 'Cause I know how hard it can be to be by yourself, and to have bad friends. Don't get
me wrong, I do have a few friends back in Arizona, but they haven't visited me yet... Point is, I wanted to be your
friend, because I knew you were someone who needed more than some other popular stuck-up person."

"Oh, okay." Anthony said. He smiled. Not only did he have a friend, he had a true friend. The type that were hard to find.

And he felt grateful for once. Grateful for the health he had, the home he had, the mother he had, for the friend he had, and for the life he had. Most importantly, he had defeated the enemy. Not Kenny. Himself. He was his own enemy, making himself crazy and depressed.

Never did he forget about Jake. In fact, he wrote letters to him everyday.

Dear Jake,

Hey bro! I have a new friend. Her name is Nina. I bet you'd really like her. Things are going great now. I'm living
life like I'm supposed to, and it's going awesome. Hope everything's good up there in heaven!

your friend,


for some reason this song reminds me of this story lolol, idk why


"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

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