Hinata Hyuga (, Hyga Hinata) is a member of Team 8 who suffers from a lack of self-confidence throughout the series. She is always reluctant to speak her mind or to do something that might antagonize another character, causing her difficulties whenever she is on a mission.This results in her effective expulsion from her clan; although she is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan's leader and the heiress to the clan, Hinata's inability to stand up for herself caused her father to disown her at a young age, leaving her in the care of her teacher, Kurenai Yuhi. Series creator Masashi Kishimoto had not originally intended to have Hinata be a ninja, but intended for her to be a regular member of the Hyuga clan.Midway through the Chunin Exam arc, Hinata begins training to become stronger, both to overcome her own weaknesses and to prove her worth to her father. Her efforts begin to prove successful towards the end of Part I, as her father takes a greater interest in her training.
Though Hinata's training has in large part been to prove herself, she also trains to try and win the attention of series protagonist Naruto Uzumaki. Inspired by Naruto's confidence and determination, Hinata becomes infatuated with Naruto, to the extent that she immediately blushes or faints upon seeing him; however, as the series progresses, she goes out of her way to help him. While Hinata has yet to openly admit her feelings for him, most characters (except for Naruto, who only considers her blushing "weird" wink are aware of her feelings. In the anime, Hinata's attempts to impress Naruto result in her creation of a new ability capable of instantly blocking or attacking anything in her extended field of vision through slicing it with extremely fine chakra blades. Her seiy in the Japanese anime is Nana Mizuki,[69] and her English voice actor is Stephanie Sheh.