most of the ringtails live in family groups but a few live solitary lives. Ringtails are the most intrigued by the incursion of humans to the world. they live conformable with most other spices that don't try to eat them but have strange fascination with the unknown. most of the know wold was discovered by these pioneers. the ringtails have the best relationship with the taniki than other rejects. It has been theorized that its the ringtails inquisitive nature that drives them to seek out the rarest of the rejects.
The ring tails also have the best relationship with the birds, as only the largest raptors can pray on the ringtails.the agility and the quick wits of the cats keep them off the menu for many birds of pray and other animals.
ringtails often serve as guides to kind humans. thay are the most trusting of the rejects when it comes to humans and that will happily lead groups of rejects or humans to the northern coast.
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a collaboration of my thoughts and idea on the things i like. D&D, Dinosaurs, animals, ect...
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[img:e71323d3d3][/img:e71323d3d3] "Listen to prophets, Listen to fools. Listen to dropouts who maker their own rules."