Omg that most worst day of my life *crys*
Gawsh! When will anyone understand!? You DO NOT need kentucy fried chicken to know if your mom wont let you bring cabage to spend the night at your girlfriends house! And it really pissess me off! What really upsets me is how i am not allowed to bring any spare carrot juice to the grocery store JUST because my boyfriends old pair of pants refuses to do the boogie woogie infront of that restorant! I mean, what good is a stolen pair of pants if they wont fill your room with pudding sause! -stars to cry- Life is so unfair! Inanimate objects are allwaqys pissing me off!! One time i really got my feelings hurt by a teecup because she told me to flush my big brothers cards down the toilet and i refused so she said "If you don't squeeze it I will cut your toes off!" So I squeezed it and it felt like a bag of pudding. Lats wednesday some one scared the crap out of me cuz they found me swimming in the grocery store's toilet and asked what I would do if my face was made of bumble bees! And i didn't want to answer cuz that question was too personal so I said "I don't want to answer that cuz that question is too personal." So then the person got really mad at me and grabbed my new dog noodle and lit his butt on fire and started smoking him and i said "Okay! Okay! I'll answer you!" Then she through my dog at a guy dressed like a cerial box and he did the boogie woogie infront of that restorant. Why wont my pants do that?!?! GRRRR!!! I hate my life so much! Mostly because two years from now this friday I will eat a turkey sandwich and it wont taste good. So yeah. Thats pretty much how the worst day of my life went. ^.^