11:30 -ish - 12:00-ish : watched cat torture/eat REALLY big bug. eew!
Imediatly after: Wrote Post-it note to my mom telling her not to kiss the cat because of bug incedent... still gross.
12:00-ish went online
1:00-ish read some more of Identical by Ellen Hopkins
Imediatly after realized how many books I'm reading at once Total:4
realized: eew Saphire just ate another bug
@ 2:00-ish thinking about sun-rise
a little while after realizes that the dog wants to go outside
imediatly after realization lets dog out
2:30-ish thinking about fanfic then checks mail
Trying to figure out what I should paint
gets nothing
wonders what other people are doing
3:00-ish: hears crow outside
starts thinking about books agian
realizes: wants to read more than 4
thinks about sunrise gets mom's phone wants to take picture
realizes: to early
3:30-ish: thinks about sleeping
thought is dismissed
goes outside doesn't get picture
sun hasn't risen enough yet
4:00-ish: gets eaten by bugs outside
pussys out and runs back inside
4:30-ish: starts writing this
reasoning: because
thinks about TV
5:01 realizes it 5:01 runs out side to get pictures
gets them
sun is red: cool
waits some more (inside)
maybe can get better shots
w/ less red
5:08 check horizon
gets picture
more orange
5:11 sees deer
freaks out
runs back to house
types in "5:11 sees deer"
types in more for 5:08
realizes: deer make weird sounds
5:13: hears more crows
thinks about after noon
maybe get picture of sun setting on graveyard
not sure
thinks about hearts
the organ
not the shape
realizes: the shape is stupid
thinks: not really though
5:16 cat wants to go outside
does not let her out
cat sulks in corner
cat makes weird noise
checks on cat
5:17: can not find cat
finds cat
cat is alive
cat claws couch
pulls cat of said couch
5:18 kills said cat
5:19: just kidding
realizes: is bored
sings song in head
wonders if it is to early to play music
fear: waking up mom/ upstairs neighbor
5:20: wonders if upstairs neighbor can keystrokes
realizes: does not care
5:21: looks around
might have seen the cat
turns out to be a book
book: JPod by Douglas Coupland
5:23: realizes why is writning this
reasons: because
5:24: sighs
reason: runny nose
might have swine flu
not sure
iches back
5:25: words : keystrokes: alphabet
alpha: leader, dominance bet: stakes (?)
keysrokes: gets nothing
5:26: thinks about: non-sexual relationships
reason: Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds: t.V show
addictive: yes
5:27: sighs
iches neck
thinks: deer, dear
diferences, twins
animals grooming
weird: yes
5;29: considers stopping
wants to: maybe
bored out of mind
5:30 mom's alarm goes off
walks into room
throughs it on her pillow
wants to stop
5:31:says bye
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Neko's Journal Like Totally
If you want to listen to some really awesome music, see the lyrics to them and maybe read a few mindless ramblings this is the place to go! 'Cause I write that kinda stuff!
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I came 2 party & U came 2 party, so y don't we party 2gether