Isn't it funny how day-to day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different.
I like to make a difference. I like to put a smile on your face. Im outspoken and violent. I could have so ruled the 70's! (;
Finals to everything.
This week is full of finals. The tests for Language Arts, Religion, and Math. The final mass WOOT WOOT! Then next week is our finals in History and Science. And we have our last feild trip for stmm. biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin We also have our last spanish, music, art, gym, and computer class!!!!! The week after that we have GRADUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xdxdxdxdxdxd WOOT WOOT we graduate three days before everyone else! CAUSE WE THE BEST> EIGHTH GRADE rocks!! BOOH YA! blaughblaughblaugh I love my friends and I will miss the ones who wont be going to my high school. But i am so psyched for high school. I am also nervous for the change. I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so nervous for tomorrow and all of the tests we have. We have two finals and a science test. Our teacher is giving us homework and tests still how the heck does she expect us to do well on our tests if we still have homework. how are we supposed to STUDY!!!????!!??!?!?! stressedstressedstressedstressedstressedsweatdropstressedsweatdropstressed very nervous Amber here. BLAH!!! I am still random.